IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
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Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Teaching-Learning Process

The teaching-learning process of the institute is comprised of the following:

Teaching, Learning and Evaluation schedules

The following Teaching, Learning and Evaluation schedules are followed in the institute:

  • An Academic Calendar is prepared before the start of the semester with 16 weeks of instruction or 90 teaching days.
  • The academic calendar provides date of commencement of the academic session, duration of semester, dates of continuous internal assessment, semester end examinations etc.
  • The Academic Calendar consists of the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to be carried out during the semester.
  • Department activity calendar consists of cocurricular activities like guest lectures, Seminars, conferences, workshops, visiting faculty lectures etc.
  • The course faculty prepares the schedule of instruction, course file and course full stack consisting of lecture notes, course description, tutorial question bank, definitions and terminology, tech talk, concept videos topics, model question papers. The course file is prepared before the start of the classes.
  • The content delivery schedule of instruction will be published one week before the commencement of semester.

Monitoring the Quality of Teaching and Learning

The institute undertakes the following steps to monitor the quality of teaching learning:


  • The Institute conducts 02 Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) Examinations during every semester.
  • Technology assisted TTCV (Tech Talk and Concept Video) is given to the students for improvement of communication skills and presentation skills, especially speaking skills.
  • The tutorial question banks for each course taught are given to the students.
  • The definitions and terminology for each course are provided to articulate basic knowledge that they have learned in the course.
  • Provision for full semester internship (FSI).
  • Group presentations are made by the students.
  • The research based and product based learning approach is used for imparting effective 21st-century capabilities for promoting critical thinking as well as problem-solving, interpersonal communication, leadership and teamwork, innovation, and creativity.
  • Follows the Bloom’s Taxonomy and emphasis is laid on action learning.
  • Peer-to-peer learning by using flipped class rooms.

Contribution of IQAC in Teaching Learning Process

IQAC in co-ordination with Academic Committee monitors and analyses the strength and weakness of various departments and makes its suggestion for necessary improvements wherever required. The IQAC also co-ordinates with all departments regarding implementation of the various orders issued by the competent authority.

Innovation and Life Long Learning

The Institute inculcates life-long learning and innovation abilities among the students through the following:

  • The student chapters of ISTE, IEEE, ACM, SAE, IEI, IETE and CSI are functional in the Institute.
  • The Tech-fest ‘CONSORTIUM’ is an annual technical fest organized by the Institute where students are encouraged to showcase their creativity and talent.
  • The students are motivated to participate in the technical events being held at other Institutes.
  • It is mandatory for all the B.Tech students to undergo internship / Field Project (FP) / Field Practicum (FP) / Industry In-plant Training (IIT).
  • There are various clubs / societies / technical associations in the different departments that organize various events catering to innovation, cocurricular and extracurricular activities.
  • The expert lectures are also held by the faculty from industry and from other reputed Institutes.
  • Institute has set up a Center for technology innovation, business incubation and entrepreneurship to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in the Institute. Workshops are organized in order to prepare the students to set up their own ventures.

Technologies and Academic Facilities

In order to promote effective knowledge delivery among the students, the following technologies and academic facilities are provided to the students and faculty:

  • The Institute subscribes to a large number of reputed online journals (IEEE, ACM and ASCE) and print journals in various disciplines. In addition to this the Institute has got a well-stocked library.
  • World e-Library and Digital Library is also established along with departmental libraries in each department.
  • Aakanksha – Learning Management Portal offers a comprehensive compilation of databases covering e-journals, e-books, e-articles, e-newspaper, e-newsletter, interview experiences etc.
  • IARE GoLABS - BuildIT is used to learn and enhance coding skills.
  • The virtual labs are also being used by the students and faculty.
  • The faculty members are using NPTEL-SWAYAM MOOCs also.
  • The classrooms are smart with LED panel boards to give a hundred percent multimedia experience to the students.

Advanced Learning of Knowledge and Skills

The institute promotes advanced learning of knowledge and skills among the students through the following:

  • The expert lectures / invited talks are arranged by top academicians as well industry experts from time to time.
  • The national / international conferences / seminars / workshops are organized.
  • The faculty and students are encouraged to participate in conferences / seminars in other Institutes.
  • Visiting faculty from industry has also been appointed to share their real life experiences with the students.
  • Exchange program allows students to conduct summer internship / spend a semester in the other institutions of repute or abroad while taking courses.

Academic, Personal and Psychological Guidance

The institute provides following academic personal and Psychological guidance to the students:

  • The Institute has appointed a part-time Counselling Psychologist. Students are counselled for various psychological and emotional stressors and taught coping skills.
  • Faculty mentors are appointed for major project work of the students.
  • There is a provision in the curriculum for experiential (ExL) learning.
  • Centre for career councelling and guidance counsels the students about career opportunities and higher education.
  • Students are informed from time to time about career options in diverse fields such as defence services, public sector undertaking job options, corporate openings etc.

Innovative Teaching Approaches and Methods

In order to strengthen the teaching-learning process, the institute follows the following teaching approaches and methods:

  • The faculty members make use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in teaching to test the student cognitive learning skills.
  • The various online resources such as MOOCs and virtual labs are being used.
  • The case study / role play / Group discussions / quizzes / crossword puzzles and various other action learning techniques are used by the faculty.
  • The course quizzes and automated rapid testing tool for correct learning of definitions and terminology are being used.
  • The latest technological advancements and innovations are discussed in the classes and are made to present for evaluation.

Library Resources

The state of the art library of the institute is equipped with the following resources:

  • The Institute has got a well-stocked library with over 7998 titles and more than 56,862 volumes.
  • World e-Library subscription and digital library is functional in the Institute from where the readers can access and download e-books, journal articles, NPTEL-SWAYAM and other research materials on their laptops and tabs.
  • The Institute subscribes to a large number of national and international journals (132 print journals and 228 online journals).
  • The library is connected through internet and computers on LAN are also available in the library.
  • The Institute subscribed to e-books too.
  • The library is fully automated using NewGenLib (NGL) software.
  • Library Kiosks Dispenser for book returns, check-in and check-out.
  • The faculty and students visit the library physically frequently and remotely through NGL server Login using their roll number / employee ID.
  • The GoLABS – BuildIT and e-learning content repository - Akanksha are made available for access through IARE AWS Cloud.
  • The e-journals and e-books are IP based and can be accessed on campus network.

Student Feedback

The Institute obtains the feedback from the students every semester. The feedback is taken from the students about the course teachers, twice a semester (2-3 weeks after commencement of classes and end of the semester) and once in a semester on facilities and infrastructure. The institute also launched an online portal to give their suggestions/feedback. The feedback so obtained is properly analyzed by the Principal. The feedback is reported to the concerned faculty / staff and corrective action is taken, wherever necessary.

Academic Audit

The academic audit on course file is conducted twice during every semester and faculty academic audit is conducted every semester. The audit is conducted by a committee constituted by the Principal of the Institute. The scope of the audit includes:

  • Course files
  • Course outcomes
  • Schedule of instruction
  • Actual content delivery
  • Tutorial question bank
  • Teck talk / Concept video topics
  • Lecture notes
  • PPTs
  • Usage of ICT tools
  • e-Content development (four quadrant)
  • Assignments
  • Tutorial sheets
  • Quiz questions
  • Lab manuals
  • Laboratory experiments designed
  • Maintenance of proper records

The external audit is also conducted by the qualified experts. This audit is conducted every year. The observations / recommendations made by the auditors are implemented.

Research Audit

The research and development audit concentrate on academic and sponsored research. Academic research includes faculty publications in refereed and indexed journals (SCI / SCIE / Scopus), funded schemes sponsored research projects, publications, collaboration activities intellectual property rights (IPR) and tech transfers are verified every Quad (April / August / December) in an academic year through prescribed form named as Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS-Research).

The external audit is also conducted by the qualified experts. This audit is conducted every year. The observations / recommendations made by the auditors are implemented.

Curriculum Planning and Enrichment

The Institute deploys the following action plans for the smooth implementation of curriculum:

  • Day-wise schedule of instruction for the whole course curriculum to be covered in the semester.
  • Planning of monthly assignments and weekly tutorial sheets to be given to the students.
  • Course Full Stack (Lecture notes, e-learning videos, tutorial question bank, PPTs, open ended experiments, tech talks, concept video topics).
  • Academic Calendar showing the schedule of academic support activities of the semester. Department-wise timetable is prepared well before the start of the classes and is followed throughout the semester.
  • Curriculum is divided into two parts. After completion of each part, CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) is conducted.
  • In order to encourage innovative methods while delivering a course, the faculty members are encouraged to use the Alternative Assessment Tool (AAT). This AAT enables faculty to design own assessment patterns during the CIA. The AAT enhances the autonomy (freedom and flexibility) of individual faculty and enables them to create innovative pedagogical practices. If properly applied, the AAT converts the classroom into an effective learning centre.

The AAT may include tech talk, tutorial hours/classes, seminars, assignments, term paper, open ended experiments, concept videos, partial reproduction of research work, oral presentation of research work, developing a generic tool-box for problem solving, report based on participation in create-a-thon, makea-thon, code-a-thon, hack-a-thon conducted by reputed organizations / any other. Etc.

  • The programme educational objectives (PEOs), programme specific objectives (PSOs) and course outcomes (COs) have been defined for all the programmes and courses.
  • The mapping of Vision, Mission, PEOs, POs, PSOs and Course Outcomes (COs) is done.
  • The course objectives and outcomes are designed on the basis of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Seminars / Expert lectures by the faculty from other reputed institutes and industry are arranged for the students and faculty members.

Academic Initiatives

In order to cope up with the needs of dynamic employment market, the following efforts have been made by the institution to enrich and organize the curriculum to enhance the experiences of the students:

  • Careers and Employability Skills Training (SkillUP and SkillBridge) by both In-house and external agencies to bridge between the students and industry.
  • Learn and Practice on almost all coding interview questions asked historically and get referred to the best tech companies.
  • Centres of Excellence in association with industry where training is provided to the students as per the industry requirements. The workshops are arranged and industry based projects are given to the students in these centres of Excellence.
  • The various technical events /competitions are organized by all the departments.
  • The institute organizes an annual Tech-fest ‘CONSORTIUM’ in which students get an opportunity to showcase their talent. The students from other institutes also participate in this fest.
  • The faculty cover some contents beyond syllabus as per the industry requirements.
  • Subscribed to various reputed international and national journals (Both offline and online).
  • Students are encouraged to get their research work published.
  • Coding hackathons (24hr / 36hr / 48hr) on IARE BuildIT platform to showcase innovation capabilities - to find new, creative solutions to existing problems and innovate new solutions to real life problems.
  • Experiential Learning (ExL) power skills courses, which relate to mindset, creativity, leadership and self management.
  • CONCOCT and METE expos for student innovation and product development.

Faculty Development Initiatives

The following faculty development initiatives have been taken by the institute:

  • Resource persons in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences organized by external professional agencies.
  • Participate in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national / international professional bodies.
  • Present papers in Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies.
  • Sponsor for attending domain of expertise conferences abroad and within India.
  • Visit institutions of National / International importance for competency building.
  • Grant leave with pay for Ph.D work and for writing Ph.D thesis.
  • Allowed to use the Institute’s infrastructure for their research work.
  • The consultancy fee is shared between the Institute and the concerned faculty member(s) from the revenue generated out of consultancy work.
  • The 7% of sanctioned funded project amount will be paid in equal instalments to salary account for the entire duration of project.
  • Seed grant up-to Rs. 10 lakhs is provided to the faculty for the purpose of research proposals.

Faculty Training Programmes

Faculty Training programmes are organized by CLET (Centre for Learning and Educational Technologies) of the institution to empower and enable the use of various tools and technology for improved teaching-learning

  • Teaching learning methods / approaches
  • Cognitive level of learning using Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Effective Outcome based education implementation
  • Handling new curriculum
  • Content / knowledge management
  • Selection, development and use of supplenent materials
  • Assessment
  • Cross cutting issues
  • Audio Visual Aids / Multimedia
  • Development of e-Learning videos
  • Teaching learning material development, selection and use

Efforts to cope up the growing demand of Qualified Senior Faculty

The institute follows below mentioned steps to maintain the growing demand of well to do and qualified senior faculty:

  • There are 107 faculty members having doctoral (Ph.D) degree.
  • 74 faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D at present.
  • The Institute has set up innovation and incubation centre, start-up park, research labs and centers of excellence in the emerging areas of technology.
  • The Institute has tied up with various Institutes of national and international eminence for the faculty exchange as well as student exchange programs.
  • Faculty members are encouraged and sponsored to attend Faculty Development Programmes, Seminars, Conferences and other academic activities.
  • Faculty is encouraged to go for post-doctoral fellowships.
  • AICTE sponsored, DST sponsored and UGC sponsored seminars and conferences are organized on the latest developments in the respective fields.
  • Workshops are organized to sensitize the faculty and students on intellectual property rights and other relevant issues.

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