IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
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Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Statutory and Non-Statutory (Institute Level) Committees

Anti Ragging

Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it, Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, passed the judgment wherein guidelines were issued for setting up of a Central Crisis Hotline and Anti-Ragging database.

Complying with the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (vide its order dated 16 May 2007) and AICTE Notification dated 25 March 2009 (issued vide F. No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009), an Anti-Ragging Committee is formed for overseeing the implementation of the provisions of the Anti-Ragging verdict.

It shall be the responsibility of the Anti Ragging Committee to ensure compliance with the provisions of UGC Regulations on Curbing of Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions 2009, as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging and also to monitor and oversee the performance of the Anti- Ragging Squads detailed for prevention of ragging in the Institutions.

The Committee will monitor the measures taken by the Institute for prevention of ragging and suggest appropriate actions/punishments against individuals indulged in ragging.

An Institute Anti-Ragging Committee has been constituted on 11 November 2014. The composition of the Committee is as under :

S No Name Designation Department Responsibility
1 Dr. L V Narasimha Prasad Principal CSE Chairman
2 Dr. B D Y Sunil Associate Professor and Head AE Convener
3 Dr. C Madhusudhana Rao Professor and Head CSE Member
4 Dr. M Purushotham Reddy Professor and Head IT | CSIT Member
5 Dr. P Munaswamy Professor and Head ECE Member
6 Dr. Ch.Sandeep Associate Professor and Head ME Member
7 Dr. Damodhar Reddy Associate Professor and Head EEE Member
8 Dr. G Sucharitha Reddy Associate Professor and Head CSE (DS) Member
9 Dr. P Ashok Babu Professor and Head CSE (AI&ML) Member
10 Dr. K Rajendra Prasad Professor and Head CSE (CS) Member
11 Dr. R Ramya Swetha Assistant Professor and Head CE Member
12 Dr. T Vara Lakshmi Professor and Head MBA Member
13 Dr. P Srilatha Associate Professor and Head Mathematics Member
14 Dr. Rizwana Professor and Head Physics Member
15 Dr. V Anitha Rani Associate Professor and Head Chemistry Member
16 Dr. Jetty Wilson Associate Professor and Head English Member
17 Mr. Tejesh Achari Student ECE Member


  • To secure almost all areas in the college (i.e. canteen, parking places, different blocks, play grounds etc.) and ensure that at least one faculty member is present at a particular time at all locations to avoid ragging.
  • To take precautions to avoid ragging activities at other locations like bus stops and give instructions to appoint student volunteers & secret informers at various boarding points.
  • To conduct anti-ragging campaigns in the form of Flexes, Posters and Boards in college premises and surrounding areas where there is a chance of ragging.
  • To associate with Grievances & Redressal committee and help in anti-ragging activities.
  • To conduct awareness programs on Anti - Ragging in the form of meetings and PPTs to the senior students, faculty & non-college personnel.
  • To conduct meeting whenever required and discuss relevant issues, intimating the Director.
  • Complaints can be sent to antiragging@iare.ac.in



S No Name Designation Department Responsibility
1 Dr. D Govardhan Professor and Head AE Convener
2 Dr. M Purushotham Reddy Professor and Head IT Co-Convener
3 Dr P Ashok Babu Professor and Head CSE (AI&ML) Member
4 Dr. T Vara Lakshmi Professor and Head MBA Member
5 Dr. J Suresh Goud Associate Professor Mathematics Member
6 Mr. G Sarath Raju Assistant Professor ME Member
7 Mr. K Anand Goud Assistant Professor CE Member
8 Mr. S Rahul Student IT Member


  • To be regular and punctual to the classes and to be in the class at least 5 minutes before the commencement of the period. Every day’s cumulative attendance of the student should be sent to the parent’s mobile as SMS.
  • To attend all counseling sessions convened by the mentors and should feel free to explain their academic/ personal/ career difficulties and seek solutions
  • To note that any violence in the campus, destruction of college property, manhandling of teachers or administrative staff or any other person in the college campus or the authorities of the college and misbehavior with girl students be viewed seriously. Erring persons will be liable for disciplinary action such as expulsion or rustication for specific period.
  • To note that ragging in any form, within or outside any educational institution is strictly prohibited (refer Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act 26 of 1997). Any student convicted of the offence of ragging will be punished with imprisonment as laid down in the said Act.
  • To note that in all discipline matters the decision taken by the Principal is final and will be binding on all the students involved.
  • To conduct meeting whenever required and discuss relevant issues, intimating the Director.

Minutes of Meeting

Academic Year 2023-24


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