Phone: |
Student / Parent Helpline (Academic Affairs): |
Email: |
Address: |
Below is the list of some of the most commonly requested telephone numbers and E-mail addresses in the IARE.
Name and Responsibility | Room No | Phone Number | |
Dr. L V Narasimha Prasad Principal |
1005 | principal@iare.ac.in | 040-29709851, 9703618753 |
Dr. G Chandra Sekhar Vice Principal & Dean of Academics |
1015 | viceprincipal@iare.ac.in | 9703618749 |
Dr. M Pala Prasad Reddy Placement and Training Officer |
2202 | pat@iare.ac.in | 9491602701 |
Dr. Y Pandu Rangaiah Dean of Internal Quality Assurance Centre (IQAC) |
1005 | iqac@iare.ac.in | 9550070033 |
Dr. Y Mohana Roopa Dean of Development and Finance |
1005 | dean-sdd@iare.ac.in | 9573988829 |
Dr. V Padmanabha Reddy Dean of Planning, Monitoring & Continuing Studies I/C Grievances and Redressal |
1013 | pmcs@iare.ac.in dean-grc@iare.ac.in |
9490244578 |
Dr. D Govardhan Dean of Teaching Effectiveness, Testing, Certification and External Affairs |
1015 | dean-teet@iare.ac.in | 09948503909 |
Dr. CH Srinivasulu Dean of Outcome Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) |
1013 | dean-clet@iare.ac.in | 9052441559 |
Dr. B Polaiah Dean of Content Development and Publishing (CDP) |
1013 | b.polaiah@iare.ac.in | 8522870911 |
Dr. D Shobha Rani Controller of Examinations (COE) |
1001 B | coe@iare.ac.in | 040-29705856, 9885565674 |
Dr. A Krishna Chaitanya Additional Controller of Examinations (ACOE) |
1001 A | acoe2@iare.ac.in | 040-29705856, 9949122135 |
Dr. GVR Seshagiri Rao Dean of Internal Audit and Policies |
1005 | dean-audit@iare.ac.in | 9490074689 |
Dr. Ranjith Kumar Gatla Dean of Research and Development Dean of Intellectual Property Management & Commercialization |
6106 | research@iare.ac.in | 9550070033 |
Dr. K Rajendra Prasad Dean of Sponsored Research - A division of R&D |
6106 | dr.rajendraprasad@iare.ac.in | 9618614555 |
Dr. P L Srinivasa Murthy Dean of Industry Interface, Internships and Collaborations (IIIC) |
1015 | dean-iiic@iare.ac.in | 9989885556 |
Dr. K Viswanath Allamraju Dean of Technology Innovation and Incubation Center |
TIIC Center | k.viswanathallamraju@iare.ac.in | 9398692463 |
Dr Shaik Jakeer Hussain Dean of Start-Up Enclave |
TIIC Center | sk.jakeerhussain@iare.ac.in | 9912721786 |
Dr. B Padmaja Dean of Career Development Centre |
2105 | b.padmaja@iare.ac.in | 9618150625 |
Dr. V V S Harnadh Prasad Dean of Competency Building and Consultancy |
3012 | vvshprasad@iare.ac.in | 9985821449 |
Dr. G Hima Bindu Dean of Career Guidance and Counselling |
2105 | gade.himabindu@iare.ac.in | 9704151312 |
Dr. J Suresh Goud Dean of Student Services |
1009 | j.sureshgoud@iare.ac.in | 9966239198 |
Dr. S Devaraj Dean of Academic Affairs |
1012 | academicaffairs@iare.ac.in | 9154678977 |
Dr. Pacha Govardhan Advisor - Academics |
1114 | p.govardhan@iare.ac.in | 9848869010 |
Dr. V Mahidhar Reddy Dean of Student Learning Support and Communication Technology (SLS-CT) |
1014 | dean-ict@iare.ac.in | 8639313083 |
Ms. I Shireesha Brand Building and Vigilance Officer |
2014 | digitalmedia@iare.ac.in | vigilance@iare.ac.in | 8790060284 |
Dr. P Srilatha Dean of Student Council & Clubs Head - Department of Mathematics |
3216 | dean_iea@iare.ac.in p.srilatha@iare.ac.in |
9966009088 |
Dr. V Anitha Rani Dean of Outreach, Inclusivity, Extension & NSS Activities Head - Department of Chemistry |
3216 | dean_iea@iare.ac.in v.anitharani@iare.ac.in |
9177845484 |
Dr. Rizwana Dean of Human Values, Ethics, Environment & Sustainability Head - Department of Physics |
3216 | dr.rizwana1@iare.ac.in | 9959562810 |
Mr. E Krishna Rao Patro Software Development and Deployment Officer |
1004 | patro@iare.ac.in | 9701037695 |
Dr. C Madhusudhana Rao Head - Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
1114 | hod-cse@iare.ac.in cmrao@iare.ac.in |
9959990001 |
Dr M Lakshmi Prasad Head - Division-I of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
1102 | hod-cse@iare.ac.in | 8121979497 |
Dr. K Laxminarayanamma Head - Division-II of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
1109 | hod-cse@iare.ac.in | 9492769924 |
Dr. G Mary Swarna Latha Head - Division-III of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
1105 | hod-cse@iare.ac.in | 7893430058 |
Dr. M Purushotham Reddy Dean of Human Resources Head - Information Technology & Computer Science and Information Technology |
1412 | hod-it@iare.ac.in hod-csit@iare.ac.in |
9885423370 |
Dr. U Sivaji Deputy Head - Information Technology (IT) |
1412 | u.sivaji@iare.ac.in | 9849583915 |
Dr. S Satheesh Kumar Deputy Head - Computer Science and Information Technology |
1412 | s.satheeshkumar@iare.ac.in | 9940764039 |
Dr. P Ashok Babu Head - CSE (AI&ML) |
1104 | hod-aiml@iare.ac.in | 9848898290 |
Dr. M Nagaraju Deputy Head - CSE (AI&ML) |
1104 | m.nagaraju@iare.ac.in | 9441168122 |
Dr. K Rajendra Prasad Head -CSE (Cyber Security) & CSE (Data Science) |
1104 | hod-cs@iare.ac.in / hod-cseds@iare.ac.in | 9618614555 |
Dr S Sreekanth Deputy Head - CSE (Data Science) |
1104 | s.sreekanth@iare.ac.in | 9441555158 |
Dr. P Muna Swamy Head - Electronics & Communication Engineering |
1203 | hod-ece@iare.ac.in | 9493042585 |
Dr. V R Seshagiri Rao Deputy Head - Electronics & Communication Engineering |
1203 | vrsrao@iare.ac.in | 9985821457 |
Dr. Damodhar Reddy Head - Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
3314 | hod-eee@iare.ac.in | 9885294533 |
Dr. B D Y Sunil Head - Aeronautical Engineering |
3114 | hod-ae@iare.ac.in | 7730011988 |
Dr. Yagya Dutta Dwivedi Deputy Head - Aeronautical Engineering |
3114 | yagyadutta.dwivedi@iare.ac.in | 8555815261 |
Dr. Ch Sandeep Head - Mechanical Engineering |
3012 | hod-me@iare.ac.in ch.sandeep@iare.ac.in |
7893645222 |
Dr. C Labesh Kumar Deputy Head - Mechanical Engineering |
3012 | hod-me@iare.ac.in c.labeshkumar@iare.ac.in |
9885155514 |
Dr. R Ramya Swetha Head - Civil Engineering |
3214 | hod-ce@iare.ac.in | 9989338686 |
Dr. Venu Malagavelli Deputy Head - Civil Engineering |
3214 | hod-ce@iare.ac.in | 9866271387 |
Dr. Vara Lakshmi Thavva Head - Master of Business Administration Women Protection and Empowerment Officer |
3302 | hod-mba@iare.ac.in t.varalakshmi@iare.ac.in |
8639418996 |
Dr. K Jagannayaki Deputy Head- Master of Business Administration |
3302 | hod-mba@iare.ac.in k.jagannayaki@iare.ac.in |
9848837510 |
Dr. Jetty Wilson Head - Department of English |
3216 | jettywilson@iare.ac.in | 8106154943 |
Mr. N Rajasekhar Information Technology Infrastructure Management Services Officer |
2202 | itims@iare.ac.in | 9533893585 |
Mr. B Raju Admissions Officer |
3216 | dean-admissions@iare.ac.in | 9866398700, 8886234502 |
Mr. A Sathish Kumar Alumni Engagement Officer |
1016 | a.satishkumar@iare.ac.in | 9704227374 |
Mr. N Suresh Administrative Officer (Administration) |
1006 | pro@iare.ac.in | 9791683436 |
Ms. Zeba Farooq AAO, Establishment |
1006 | zeba@iare.ac.in | 9985821452 |
Mr. S Kumar AAO, Scholarships |
1006 | scholarship@iare.ac.in | 9985821465 |
Ms. K Bhagyalaxmi AAO, Student Affairs |
1006 | sa@iare.ac.in | 9951232519 |
Mr. B Satyanarayana Librarian |
2101 | library@iare.ac.in | 8463927364 |
Mr. S Ravikanth I/C Transport & Logistics |
3004 | transport@iare.ac.in | 9985821460 |
Mr. D Ravinder I/C Transport & Logistics |
3004 | transport@iare.ac.in | 9391290660 |
Mr. CSrisailam I/C Transport & Logistics |
1014 | transport@iare.ac.in | 9885291907 |
Reach Balanagar X Roads - Take towards Medak | Narsapur - Travel 14 KM to reach Gandi Maisamma X Roads - Head 03 KM towards Dundigal to reach the Institute.
From Nehru Outer Ring Road (ORR) take Exit 05.