Analog and Pulse Circuits Laboratory
This laboratory provides all hardware and software required to measure the characteristics of various electronic components. In this lab, the students are emphasized to design and analyse the electronic circuits as well as pulse digital circuits and are supposed to co-relate it theoretically. The students learn to obtain different parameters in the circuits.
Facilities: Digilent Analog Discovery kits(100 MSPS USB oscilloscope, logic analyzer, variable power supply, and multi-function instrument) (30 No’s),(0-30)V Dual DC regulated power supply(8No’s), (0-30)MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope(18No’s), (0-1)MHz Function Generator(18No’s), Digital Multimeters (8No’s), LCR Meter(1No), RC Phase Shift Oscillator kits(12No’s), Current Shunt and Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier Kits(12No’s), Power Amplifier kits(12No’s), Tuned Amplifier kits(9No’s), Semiconductor kits(9No’s), Circuit Components - Diodes, BJT,FET, UJT, Resistors, Inductors, and Capacitors.
30 number of INTEL Core I3 systems with 18" colour monitor, National Instruments Multisim(NI-13)licensed simulation software.
Experiments Manual Equipment