The activities pertaining to keep the environment green and pollution free is encouraged and best efforts to manage waste from its origin to its final disposal is done. This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste. It is worth mentioning that it is mandatory for students of all branches to undergo a course named Environmental Science through which awareness about environment and related issues with solution strategies is imparted. Many awareness environment programs are also organized.
16 kg of solid waste is produced daily, mainly from dry leaves. Waste is segregated into biodegradable and plastic waste. Biodegradable waste is processed and converted into compost by a natural mechanism. The fertilizer is then spread for use of campus farmland.
Faculty members are advised to reuse the single-sided paper used for writing and printing work in all units. Paper waste is completely recycled. MoU has been signed by the Institute with India Tobacco Company Limited (ITC Ltd.). At first, paper waste is gathered and processed into sheets. The sheets are then rendered into large packets and sent to the ITC on monthly basis. A very small amount of plastic waste produced is gathered and transformed into bricks given to the supplier on a regular basis. Metal and wood waste shall be processed and disposed of to approved scrap agents for further processing.
A high technology sewage water treatment plant treats the sewage water for an effective management of liquid waste. Around 10 lakh litres of treated water is produced which is used for gardening.
E-waste from laboratories, Non-working computers, monitors, and printers is properly collected and is given to the licensed recycler (entered into an MOU with Ramky, Hyderabad). Some parts useful for other systems are kept aside for future use. Students are also imparted awareness and education about E-Waste.
Hazardous chemicals are not used in the laboratories. Acids in diluted form are used in environment engineering laboratory, which are discharged directly. When necessity arises to utilize a strong acid or base, they are neutralized before discharging. No radioactive elements of any form are used in the campus and thus its waste is not generated in the campus.
Departments have a medical first aid kit, where students are more vulnerable to minor injuries. The waste from these kits like cotton gauge and plaster, are disposed along with non- biodegradable wastes.