IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
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Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||     Bounteous X Accolite (01)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Leadership and Administrative Duties


Specific Responsibilities:

Reports to the Management Members (Chairman, Secretary & Correspondent and Executive Director & Treasurer) of the institute and assist them in the following functions of the institute:

  • Regulation / Monitoring
  • Development
  • Leadership

Regulation / Monitoring

One of the key responsibilities of a principal is regulation of academic, administrative and monitoring the systems, policies, procedures and overall functioning of the institute. And also fulfill the expectations of the monitoring bodies such as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Technical Education and the Affiliating University (JNTUH) along with the expectations of students and parents.

  • Monitor the function of the academic and administrative staff and see that they fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Monitor the effective teaching as prescribed in the curriculum as per the teaching / institutional methodology suggested by the UGC / JNT University / AICTE / Management.
  • Monitor procedures followed in the administration office which include admission, fee collection, attendance, recruitment, salary payments, purchases and procurements, accounts, audit and any other matters related to the administration of the institute.
  • Ensure admission of students as per the norms prescribed by JNT University and state government within the stipulated time by obtaining the approval from the appropriate authorities.
  • Monitor the procurement and purchasing of the necessary infrastructure like furniture and fittings, lab equipment, books etc.
  • Maintain the cordial relationship with the staff, students, parents and other stakeholders both directly and indirectly.
  • Arrange and participate in Board of Studies and Academic Council meetings for developing the curriculum.
  • Conduct periodic, monthly review meeting with the Deans, Head of the departments and administrative staff of the institute.
  • Takes care of HR policies of the institution side and outside the institute.

Developmental Activities

Looks after developmental activities which are important for the development of the institution.

  • Identify, contact, and recruit the right kind of the faculty members suitable for the institution by keeping in view about the future needs.
  • Identify and project the core competencies of the institution.
  • Develop the working and learning culture in the institution.
  • Establish global contacts by collaboration with industries, institutions, and research and development organizations which is aimed for improving the specific strengths of the institute.

Leadership Activities

These are most critical activities of a principal of an academic institution. By fulfilling all these activities, the principal will exhibit the true qualities of a leader by being a role model to colleagues.

  • Take-up research, publication, consultancy & training and establish credentials as academician of international standard so as to gain acceptability among all the faculty members being a true academic leader.
  • Set high standards of discipline, commitment and involvement in work pattern.
  • Inspire all colleagues towards the achievement of the goals of the institute and leading them from the forefront.
  • Inspect the departments and their functioning on day to day.

Vice Principal

Some of the most common responsibilities
  • Discharges routine duties of Principal during absence of Principal
  • Meeting with parents
  • Handling student discipline
  • Enforcing Institute rules
  • Communicating with parents and students
  • Coordinates Purchase Process
  • Coordinates publication of Colleges Annual Magazine
  • Coordinates Preparation of Budget
  • Coordinates Office Administration
  • Preparing the departments for NBA accreditations
  • Coordinates in the preparation of Compliance reports to AICTE, APSCHE, DTE & University
  • Formation of student council
  • Proper conduct of co-curricular and Extra-Curricular activities
  • Proper conduct of sports activities
  • Coordinates mobilization of Resource Generation
    1. Staff (NT) Recruitment
    2. Identifying training needs of nonteaching staff
    3. Notify the non-teaching staff about various Employee Development programs
    4. Arrange Employee Development Programs
  • Communicating the minutes of the meeting of the Principal to HOD

Head of Department

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Send staff attendance register after making necessary entries to the principal office by 9.40 A.M every day.
  • Allocate the courses to the faculty members well in advance by the end of previous semester and identify the course coordinators.
  • Oversee preparation of schedule of instruction in accordance with the format provided to the faculty before the commencement of class work and ensure that the information is LMS/CMS.
  • Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by the principal and inform the faculty and students at least one day before the commencement of the class work.
  • Interact with students (section wise) of their branch once in 15 days, identify the problems and find solutions in consultation with the principal.
  • Verify the student attendance registers maintained by the faculty and submit it to the Dean of Internship and Continuing Studies (ICS) / Principal for verification once in a fortnight.
  • Upload / update the Course Stack Study Material (model question papers, AAT, PPTs, lecture notes, definitions and terminology, tutorial question banks and so on) as per instructions from the principal.
  • Ensure the evaluation of CIE answer scripts booklets and AAT is completed before the dead line given by the principal.
  • Reports to the Principal regarding all the requirements of his/her department such as Faculty Member, supporting staff, equipment, books & journals, maintenance etc.
  • Look after the matter related to Teaching, Research, Publication, Innovation Real world knowledge application, Consultancy and Administrative work as per work distribution given below:
    Designation Teaching (%) Research (%) Publication (%) Innovation - real world knowledge Application / Consultancy (%) Administration (%)
    Head of the Departments 30 10 20 20 20
    Professor 30 10 20 30 10
    Associate Professor 40 15 10 25 10
    Assistant Professor 60 10 10 10 10
  • Observe the dress code among students and instruct the respective class in-charges to implement the dress code among the students.
  • Convene departmental staff meeting once in a month on the day allotted and record the minutes of the meeting.
  • Collect the early semester student feedback about the faculty member’s course wise (for all the courses taught to the students of their branch) and communicate the feedback to the concerned faculty. Communicate a copy to the principal. If any course is handled by the other department faculty, communicate one copy to the respective HOD. Guide the faculty members to improve their performance based on the feedback and also monitor whether the faculty members are improving from year/semester to year/semester.
  • Collect the OBE feedback at the end of the semester and prepare assessment.
  • Communicate the attendance particulars and internal marks of students to the concerned parents from time to time with the help of class in-charges.
  • Counsel the students who are absent for the CIE tests or irregular to the class work.
  • Form the student batches and allot the project supervisors as per guidelines given by the principal.
  • Route all the correspondence through the office of the principal.
  • Designate faculty member who will be the Head in-charge during his/her absence and make sure that all files and records are available for Head in-charge. Give contact telephone number to enable the authorities to consult them in emergency when he/she is away from headquarters.
  • Allocate the students (not more than 15) to the teacher-counselors/mentors and issue the green books in the beginning of the academic year, also see that the activity is effectively conducted.
  • Inform the concerned authorities of any important information of events taking place in the department from time to time.
  • Arrange special classes if necessary for the benefit of slow learners (below average students).
  • Ensure academic discipline in the department.
  • Follow the guidelines / instructions given by the principal from time to time.
  • Maintain and update the files as listed in the Annexure – I.
  • Make arrangements to lock all the laboratories before leaving the premises.
  • Plan and conduct the value added / skill development / workshops / seminars and so on regularly and prepare the list of students registered, attended and recorded in minutes of the meeting. Also, submit a copy of the report of the activity to the concerned members and also to the principal.
  • Submit the HOD diary to the Dean of academic audit and principal by the end of each month.
  • Ensure that ELRV learning resources prepared by course faculty are made available in LMS.
  • The workload of faculty should not be less than 40 hours a week of which teaching- contact hours should be atleast as follows:
    Position Minimum working hours per week
    Professor 10
    Associate Professor 14
    Assistant Professor 18
  • Provide necessary inputs to the principal for conducting academic council / governing Council meeting.
  • Organize an international conference on any trust area on relevant subject.

Deputy Head of Department

To support the Head of Department in providing effective leadership and management of the department. The Deputy Head of Department will be a member of the Department executive and as such will be required to take an active role in running the department.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Contribute towards the formation of strategy and plans at departmental level.
  • Contribute towards the planning and managing of the department’s human, financial and physical resources with particular responsibility for the management and development of laboratories.
  • Oversee the mentoring, career and skill development of teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Assist the department’s academic staff, staff development and performance reviews, and safety.
  • Take the schedule of instructions from the faculty and ensures they follow the schedule and syllabus is completed in the stipulated time.
  • Ensure the activities conducted within the department is as per the standard operating procedures of the institute.
  • Ensure the purchases and maintenance of stock registers.
  • Ensure the quality, maintenance and cleanliness of the department.
  • Collect the course full stack from the faculty before the commencement of class work and ensure that the content provided is in accordance with the guidelines of the Principal / HOD.
  • Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by the Principal well in advance before the commencement of the class work.
  • Ensure the academic discipline in the department.
  • Undertake additional responsibilities as periodically agreed with the Head of Department.
  • Responsible to laboratory maintenance and audit.

Dean of Academics

Major Responsibilities:
  • Implementation of decisions taken on academic matters by the academic council.
  • Conduct academic council meetings once in every quarter.
  • Receive, process and maintain all records related UG/PG programmes including curicullam, courses offered and course registrations.
  • Prepare academic calender, timetables, green books, student handbook and class incharge diary.
  • Oversee development of class schedules, class room and faculty assignments teaching & laboratory workloads.
  • Monitors, reviews and resolves faculty workload issues.
  • Works closely with Deans, HOD’s and professors of various departments on the student’s requirements and also ensures the resources are available at the beginning of semester.
  • Maintain and supervise course syllabi updation for academic course offerings.
  • Establishment and maintain evaluation system for all academic programs including oversight of process (assessment process, data collection and analysis, revision of academic program) and use of assessed results to improve student learning.
  • Identification and allocation of duties to course coordinators, laboratory coordinators and class in-charges.
  • Collect, interpret and present feedback on faculty, Course Outcome Based Education (OBE), Student exit survey and initiate the remedial actions in consultation with HOD’s.
  • Identify and communicate Accerlerated / Honours / Minor courses to the students atleast 15 days before the end of previous semester.
  • Oversee the review and resolution of students complaints regarding academic issues.

Dean of Planning, Monitoring & Continuing Studies

Major Responsibilities:
  • Prepare the annual budget of the college with administrative team and HOD’s/Dean’s and control the proper utilization of budget in the institute.
  • Review and propose new UG & PG Courses to the academic council.
  • Maintain the data of students undergoing full semester internship and record of external examiner appointments for all UG & PG practical examinations and project works.
  • Plan and implement schedule of examinations (CIE/SEE), tech talks, concept videos, seminars and UG/PG project works including FSI in consultation with controller of examinations (COE).
  • Monitor the progress of classwork, syllabus coverage and attendance.
  • Ensure completion of student course registration process with in the stipulated time.
  • Send progress reports of CIE/SEE marks and attendance particulars to the parents regularly.
  • Oversee college library resources.
  • To inculcate the Professional ethics, values and competencies in faculty.
  • Provide opportunities to faculty members for their professional growth.
  • Development of faculty by updating their knowledge and preparing them for carrier advancement.

Dean of Content Development and Publishing

Major Responsibilities:
  • Framing the academic quality for course review and monitoring.
  • Supervises and ensures compliance with course monitoring and review procedures: subject and lab course full stack files.
  • Develops an awareness of course work rules-approval procedures-amendments to existing courses.
  • Conduct workshops and PDP and FDP on course policy framework which knows the responsibilities.
  • Contributes developments of the institute in academic course and laboratory design by conducting faculty competency building to visit premier institutes.
  • Conduct the strategic committee meetings to develop relevant registration and internal academics documents on institute standards and quality framework for teaching and learning.
  • Preparing the regular and adhoc reports and analysis on standard and quality framework for teaching and learning and also monitoring delivery attributes on writing course full stack and laboratory full stack and ELRV lectures.
  • Travel to attend meetings conducted by other institute workshops and conferences as required.Other duties as assigned by principal.

Dean of Research and Development (R&D)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Establishment and promotion of excellence in the institute’s research and development.
  • Prepare policies, procedures and guidelines relating to research and development.
  • Development and enhancement of the institute’s research capacities.
  • Motivate faculty to pursue research in their respective areas of expertise.
  • Development of infrastructure conducive for promoting the quality and quantity of research and development.
  • Monitor the research funds to ensure that the funds are properly and formally accounted.
  • Promoting emerging areas of research and development.
  • Foster the development of multi-disciplinary research endeavors across faculties and departments.
  • Monitor and enhance the quality of research centers, projects and research infrastructure within institute, including the training of research scholars.
  • Promote strategic, durable partnerships and develop funding solutions with industries and research institutions for steering, funding and cooperation.
  • Monitor the research and development performance of faculty to encourage excellence and productivity through maintaining a database of research and development activities.
  • Maintain research audit PASS (Performance Appraisal Scoring System) forms for every Quad of the year.
  • Details of research projects and proposals (submitted / ongoing / completed).
  • Record of research supervisors and scholars.
  • Submission utilization certificates of all funded projects/schemes in time.
  • Record of consultancy and IPR.

Academic Research

  • Self-Assessment Progress (SAP) of Ph.D faculty in the institute is evaluated on monthly wise through SAP form.
  • The research progress of all the faculty in the institute is evaluated on quarterly basis through Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS) form.
  • The research profile of the all the faculty in the institute is updated in the respective faculty Research identity websites like ORCID, SCOPUS, PUBLONS, VIDWAN, Google scholars etc.
  • Conduction of research development programmes for faculty/students through Research methodology workshops, guest lectures, FDPs, Seminars etc.
  • Encourage the faculty in procuring equipment’s to conduct research or consultancy work and recruitment of projects staff.
  • Conduction of Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings.
  • The faculty who has published papers which are either Web of Science and/or SCOPUS indexed shall be paid incentives based on the quality of the Journals in which the papers are published.
  • Norms shall be fixed for paying expenses or incentives to the faculty either for procurement or for those of the faculty who have been awarded with the externally funded projects and the incentives shall be paid at the end of every academic year.
  • Faculty are encouraged to participate as resource persons in the events including workshops and conferences conducted outside the institute.
  • Faculty are encouraged and paid incentives for attending conferences, workshops and FDPs; completing E-Learning Readiness Videos (ELRV); getting grant of Patents (Design or Utility); book and book chapter publications etc.

Sponsored Research

  • Identify the calls open for funded research projects from various agencies like Department of Science & Technology (DST), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), University Grants Commission (UGC) etc., and publish the calendar in the institute website.
  • Create and maintain database regarding faculty expertise.
  • Providing guidance for preparing the research proposals to funding agencies.
  • Scrutinizing the received research project proposals by external committee experts.
  • Facilitate faculty in procuring equipment’s necessary to conduct research or consultancy work.
  • Scholars shall be allotted to the faculty based on mutual research interest.
  • Encourage faculty to start an internal project with an aim of applying for external funded project. Internal grant required for conducting the internal project shall be provided by the organisation in the form of SEED money.
  • To form special research groups who concentrate on doing research in government listed areas of research.
  • Disseminate the results achieved out of research done to the needy people in the surrounding.

Publications & Collaboration

  • Every faculty shall be monitored and controlled to publish their original work only.
  • Providing norms separately fixed for different levels of the faculty so as to progress research publications.
  • Short list the Journals which are SCOPUS, WEB of Science etc. indexed, in which the faculty will publish their research work and preference for publishing will be given to those journals which has high impact factor.
  • Thorough checks shall be made to eliminate plagiarisms before any paper is published.
  • Scrutinise the received project work thesis of the students for plagiarism check and encourage to publish the work in high quality journals.
  • Motivate non doctorate faculty to register for PhD programme within 6 months of their appointment.
  • Create a collaboration means to the faculty in order to conduct research in other organisations.
  • Propound the faculty of institute to conduct collaborative research in association with Industry experts on industry specific problems.

Patents, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Tech Transfers

  • Develop and oversee the Institution’s intellectual property strategy.
  • Primary responsibility for managing communications with, and directing the activities of, outside counsel; actively assisting in preparing, filing, and prosecuting domestic and foreign patent applications, including preparing arguments in response to office actions.
  • Provide guidance to senior management on licensing and business transactions involving intellectual property; including ability to prepare patentability and freedom-to-operate opinions in collaboration with outside counsel, as necessary.
  • Work with R&D to assess patentability of new inventions; assist in drafting and reviewing related invention disclosures.
  • Review and prepare freedom-to-operate opinions in collaboration with outside counsel, as necessary, in relation to new product ideas and developments coming from Institution’s stakeholders.
  • Propose and execute strategies for protection of Institution intellectual property.
  • Provide periodic training to select Institution employees regarding the protection of intellectual property.
  • Advise senior management on any new laws, regulations or statutes affecting the Institution’s   intellectual property.
  • Review, suggest and budget IP expenditure. Manage expenses to budget.

Schemes & Proposals

  • Recognise the calls open for funded schemes from various agencies like Department of Science & Technology (DST), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), University Grants Commission (UGC) etc., and publish the calendar in the institute website.
  • Conduct programs aimed at developing the trade skills of the people in identified villages through the sanctioned schemes.
  • Familiarise with the specific scheme application requirements that are crucial with expert review.

Dean of Strategy Development and Finance

Major Responsibilities:
  • Establishes and develops the Engineering Technology and Science division at IARE both from a reputation and academic perspective.
  • Participates in the recruitment and selection of staff and ensures the effective management and development of staff.
  • Participates in the development of strategic plans, priorities and objectives; ensures that effective implementation of plans within all academic programs.
  • Supervises and ensures compliance with policies and procedures related to the development of new programs.
  • Collect all norms that must be adopted by the organization and use the same for computing the future projection of both the physical and financial statements.
  • Conduct strategic committee meetings to develop strategic plans – SWOT.
  • Develop and implement the organization’s structure and decision-making process and their effectiveness.
  • Develops an awareness of and respect for the customs and cultures of IARE students and employees.
  • Produces regular and ad hoc reports and analysis on institutional activities and programs.
  • Contributes development of the institute by chairing relevant meetings; participating with various teams; by observing and implementing institute and system-wide policies and procedures.
  • Developing and overseeing strategies within the faculty to enhance the student experience across all aspects of the faculty's operations.
  • Maintain and build the institutional position and reputation through participation of rankings and ratings.
  • Other duties as assigned by Principal.

Dean of Internal Quality Assurance Center (IQAC)

The IQAC will be the internal mechanism for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the institute. It will be a facilitative and participative body, for assuring in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality. Its initiatives will be directed towards future and will rely on the transformation model of change by creating the necessary ecosystem.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Ensure the mission and vison statements of the institute are properly addressed by professors and other faculty.
  • Coordinate the timely and efficient execution of the decisions of IQAC committee.
  • Develop parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Ensure that academic standards are being met seeking to the satisfaction of accreditation requirements.
  • Coordinate in preparation of the Report to be submitted to accreditation body based on the quality parameters.
  • Ensure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Directs the development of short- and long-range plans for all academic and students affair functions.
  • Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
  • Documentation of the various programmes/activities for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality.
  • Facilitate the development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters/templates for the various academic activities of the institute and compile these in to a quality manual.
  • Coordinate in preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
  • Submit the Data Capturing System (DCS) for National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) and other Ratings.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
  • Prepare the activity calendar of the institute based on the individual plans submitted by departments.
  • Examine and scrutinize the annual budget of the institute and make suggestions, recommendations to the governing body.
  • Verify and comment monthly reports submitted by Hod’s and Deans.

Dean of Computational Studies

Major Responsibilities:
  • Establishing and fostering external relationships with industry, professional organizations, educational institutions and other bodies.
  • Managing departmental issues related to education such as enrollments and student success.
  • Building relationships with programs and support areas as appropriate to the areas of responsibility.
  • Organise skill development programs on identified CS trust areas and establishing academic and Research Laboratories.
  • Faculty Recruitments and balancing the workload distribution among CS faculty.
  • Take care of computational needs and requirements.
  • Fostering research culture among CS faculty.
  • Shoulder the responsibilities of NBA / NAAC accreditations for CSE and act as a mentor for CS allied branches.
  • Chairman of BOS for CSE and member of CS allied branches.

Dean of Industry Institute Interface Center (IIIC)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Design and conduct workshops, trainings, and other activities to strengthen the professional development of the staff members and administrators who deal directly with students.
  • Plan, coordinate, and supervise activity such as workshops, seminars, mentorship program and hands on experience program for students.
  • Build MoU’s with public and/or private organizations which provide internship and continuing studies.
  • Oversee the process of students counselling and mentoring system.
  • Participates in professional development opportunities.
  • Attends area meetings, and campus programs, as directed.
  • Supervise and promote continued professional development for faculty and students.
  • Lead academic development and delivery of institute outreach programs.
  • Ensures the student registration for the internship within the semester if it is approved.
  • Attend an internship information session by regularly visiting internship sites.
  • Coordinates with Dean of alumni for finding the various opportunities that may be available to students for internships in the organization in which alumni is working.
  • To provide guidance to adopt to the changes in Curriculum via-a-vis Industrial needs.
  • Works with Hod’s/Dean’s to integrate career planning and internship programs.

Dean of Inclusivity, Outreach and Extension Actives

Major Responsibilities:
  • To provide the right environment for physical, intellectual, social and boost the emotional quotient in students with efforts to add values of good citizenship.
  • To conduct activities both inside and outside the campus for the benefit of society for a better environment to live.
  • To participate in collaboration with other organizations in carrying out social outreach programs.

Dean of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Planning and providing the access to ICT studio for faculty to create E-Learning readiness videos.
  • Prepare a plan of action to complete the E-Learning readiness videos for all the courses.
  • Ensure the quality of E-Learning readiness videos and add the value by promoting through online learning portals.
  • Enhance the quality of presentations by adopting new methods for making PowerPoint presentations.
  • Monitor and update the Learning Management System (LMS) portal on regular basis to improve the flexibility to viewers.
  • Design and implement web-based tools to increase overall student engagement, persistence and success.
  • Improve and stabilise LMS E-Learning and E-Library platforms to support blended E-Learning.
  • Provide training, & demos videos to faculty and students on how to use ICT equipment.
  • Broaden the ICT service delivery to external stakeholders to generate revenue.

Dean of Student Services

Major Responsibilities:
  • Maintain overall campus discipline with the support of physical directors.
  • Coordinate the admission of students and hostels.
  • Primary administrative contact for parent network.
  • Supervise activities for students regarding institutional services.
  • Coordinate logistics, scheduling, and act as a liaison between institution and students.
  • Maintain the minutes of the meetings with faculty/staff/students, class representatives, parentsand other student support related meetings.
  • Plan and organize various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities (professional development seminarsorientation day, graduation day annual day, tech/cultural fest, student induction, sports meetetc.).
  • Allocation of 15-20 students to each faculty for mentoring them and review the greenbooksregularly.
  • Nominate student representative to various bodies of the institute for various academic and co-curricular activities.
  • Arrange and depute students for participation in the events/competitions/workshops/seminars conducted outside the college.
  • Coordinate the process of selection of students for awards, prizes and scholarship.
  • Discharge duties as local guardian and faculty advisor for hostlers.
  • Publication of magazine, news bulletin, newsletters.
  • Arrange the special care for weaker and needy section students.
  • Ensure the students records in campus management system (CMS) are properly administers and update them regularly.
  • Arrange the issue of admission order, verification of educational credentials and preparation for issuance of ID cardsto admitted students.
  • Preparation and submission of documents for ratification of admissions from university/technical education.
  • Analysis of examination results (CIE/SEE) and action taken report.
  • Monitor the training and placement of the students.
  • Plan and suggest amenities of the students.
  • Prepare and circulate Nominal rolls of students each semester.
  • B.Tech / M.Tech / MBA and LE Admission work.
  • Finalization of merit list to DTE AND University.
  • Admitted student’s data entry on CMS software and University.
  • AICTE student’s data entry.
  • All documentations of institutional scholarship, Merit scholarship and scholarships from other agencies.
  • Preparation of student register (B.Tech / M.Tech / MBA / LE) every year.
  • TSRTC / Railway and ST Pass concession.

Dean of Effective Attendance Practices

Improving student attendance and truancy prevention have always been areas of concern for institutions. Students who attend classes and laboratories do better than those who do not. Preventing all students from missing class may not be possible, but there are strategies that can help lessen the problem. The purpose should be to change behaviour, not to punish. There must be effective reporting, recording, and monitoring.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Ensure consistent enforcement of the attendance policy by all HODs, class teachers and course handling faculty.
  • Parents are made aware of Institute relentless efforts.
  • Students with chronic absenteeism have been identified and counselled.
  • When a student is absent, immediately make phone calls and talk to their parents during the day or the evening and invite parents to institute regularly.
  • Develop two-way contracts among students, HODs, class / course handling faculty and parents.
  • Support to deploy attendance systems effectively.
  • Parental engagement officer.
  • Every member of staff should know and understand their responsibilities for attendance.
  • Monitor and analyse attendance data regularly.
  • Send an email message to those students whose attendance is lagging to show your concern.
  • Establish immediate personal contact (assign parental engagement officer) when the problem first arises.
  • Make home visits to chronically absent students and overcome barriers to attendance.
  • Where interventions fail to address attendance issues, identify the reasons why and, where appropriate, change or adjust the intervention.
  • Daily or weekly check-ins to review progress on improvement of attendance.
  • Make timely referrals to the HODs and class teachers.
  • Hold weekly or bimonthly attendance meetings to review the list of absent students, develop action plans, and review building processes including accuracy of data entry.

Dean of Centre for Learning and Educational Technologies (CLET)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Development of meaningful assessment of student learning outcomes that leads to implement of student learning and services.
  • Educate students on a broad range of experiential learning on career pathway planning.
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
  • Inculcating strong information technology and IT Literacy skills, effective oral and written communications.
  • Design appropriate and effective teaching methods.
  • Refine course outcomes, program specific outcomes and program educational objectives for new regulations in alignment with institute vision and mission.
  • Review and approve appropriate, requisition for instruction supply and equipment to be used.
  • Research methodology in evaluation of academic and student programming/coding skills effectiveness.
  • Recruiting and participating as a member in selection of faculty and staff members.
  • Assuring new faculty and staff members preparation and supporting for comprehensive orientation and training.
  • Leading and directing faculty and staff to a higher education environment.
  • Recommend of instructions for the selection of textbooks.
  • Develop and execute assessment related to the Academic Plans, utilizing best practices related to student learning and measurement of outcomes.
  • Class room and laboratory teaching effectiveness.
  • To enhance the knowledge and skill of the teacher in state of art technologies in Engineering Domain.
  • To equip the faculty with modern methods of Teaching - Learning Process, based on classical theories of Engineering Education

Dean of Technology Innovation and Incubation Centre (TIIC)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Inculcate a culture of research and innovation driven entrepreneurship.
  • Make the students think creatively and generate innovative ideas from all fields of engineering.
  • Collaborate with national entrepreneurship organizations.
  • Conduct innovations, IPRs and entrepreneurship activities.
  • Make the student to participate in the competitions such as hackathons, ideathons, innovation context etc.
  • Organize the field visits to various Incubation Units/Patent Facilitation Centres/Technology Transfer Centres / Co-working spaces.
  • Organize workshops/training sessions/ seminars/ interactions with various innovation experts and achievers.
  • Generate and build momentum for ideas and develop an innovative mindset within the institute.
  • Administer seed funding and release time for promising projects.
  • Connect with partners and funders outside of the institution.
  • Design schemes for innovative product development proposals and implementation.
  • Provide support to entrepreneurs from Ideation level to scalable product.
  • Monitor the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) activities at Institute level.
  • Submit the proposals of funded schemes related to Innovation

Dean of Science and Technology Start-Up Park (STSP)

Major Responsibilities:
  • Encourage the students / staff to take up innovative product development to promote technology start-up.
  • Provide facilities for accommodating new start-up.
  • Provide financial counselling support (Seed Support, Innovation, Refinement & Commercialization Grant).
  • Provide technical support (Design, Simulations, Development and Testing).
  • Legal advices are given with the support of Intellectual Property.
  • Foster and promote entrepreneurship spirit.
  • Identify technologies / innovations having potential for commercial ventures.
  • Guide the students on early-stage funding to stimulate commercialization of research discoveries.
  • Promote capacity building through exposure visits and organizing facilitation workshops.
  • Organize start-up idea pitch festivals / ideathons / business model canvasing for creating an exhilarating climate to inspire innovation.
  • Facilitate knowledge creation, innovation and entrepreneurship activities.
  • Provide mentorship assistance to entrepreneurs by inviting the government officials from DIC, TIIC, MSMEs, EDIs, successful alumni entrepreneurs and other related field experts.
  • Assist and help the start-up student entrepreneurs to get subsidies & incentives from government wherever possible.

Dean of Internal Audit and Policies

Major Responsibilities:
  • Planning, developing and evaluating academic services and programs.
  • Conduct of internal academic and administrative audit.
  • Guiding and coaching faculty and staff members overall permanence, identifying deficiency arears and implementing improvement plans whenever necessary.
  • Monitors the academic achievements of students and faculty and issue awards.
  • Develop policies for various academic and administrative activities (IT, placement and training, IPR, recruitment and promotion, innovation and entrepreneurship, library, research, admission, examination, grievance redressal, industrial consultancy, budget, student discipline and so on.)
  • Adherence to the academic calendar and semester plan.
  • Quantity & Quality of tech talk topics, concept videos, assignments and exam questions.
  • Performance of students in the previous semester.
  • Feedback collected, analysed and action taken from faculty, students, employers, alumni and stake holders.
  • Monitors faculty/staff performance in accordance with prescribed evaluation methods.
  • Record maintenance and preparation of stock verification of all laboratories/library at the end of the year.

Dean Skill Development

Major Responsibilities:
  • Combine the futuristic courses with the traditional ones and impart a skill-based curriculum for the students to make industry ready.
  • Identifies the aspirants and supports them in getting rewarding employment.
  • Conduct 45 Hours of coding hackathons, coding challenges for building desired software code.
  • Hands on training on coding, verbal and aptitude skills.
  • Imparting excellent problem solving skills.
  • Develop courses instructed by industrial professionals.
  • Identifying and connecting the students with hiring employers like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Ericsson, Linkedin, Qualcomm, Intel, Cisco, McKinsey Digital, PayPal Zomato, Unacademy, Adobe and so on).
  • 15 weeks professional training for improving / brush-up on latest software skills.
  • Guiding with licensing / certification.
  • Provide right job to the right person.
  • Develop and maintain organizational communications such as intranet IARE Bulletin boards and newsletters to ensure employees have knowledge of training and development events and resources.
  • Conduct follow-up studies of all completed training to evaluate results and monitor improvements.
  • Identify quick learners and trains them in advanced level during weekends for higher packages.
  • Motivate the students for internships in different organization for better placements.
  • Research new technologies and methodologies in workplace learning.

Dean Media, Publicity & Advertising

Major Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for extensive coverage of all institute events and send press releases in print and digital media.
  • Post updates on social media about all campus activities, outreach, extensive activities, entrepreneur meets, student achievements and institute performance.
  • Manage the media relations of the institute and keep the media updated with the happenings at the institute.
  • Filling and providing complete information for ranking by most widely read acclaimed magazines.
  • Design campus brochures, flyers and bill boards for various events conducted within and outside the institute.
  • Pursue media outlets with high target rating points and probe for possible advertisements.

Dean of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Brand Building and Perception

Major Responsibilities:
  • Explore various national and industrial schemes available for development of startups.
  • Conduct activities that develop entrepreneurial qualities in students.
  • Motivate students and faculty to participate in development programs conducted by peer institutes, private and government institutions.
  • Motivate brand ambassadors from different departments to canvas upcoming / prospective students.
  • Website, EMS, LMS and CMS Software support and maintenance, preparation of requirements, uploading of data on institute website.
  • Provides on-going support to users through a helpdesk or self-service facilities on the institute intranet.
  • Teach the tactics of digital world to the faculty.
  • Use wisely social media platforms on a big way for creating positive perception of the institute.

Dean of Women Empowerment

Major Responsibilities:
  • Conduct women empowerment activity in accordance of the women center’s activity guideline, women and girls feedback and consultation.
  • Identification of strong leader ship and change makers and building the capacity of women.
  • Promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • Provision of opportunities and programs for female gender to be financially, mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
  • Conduct seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.
  • Inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, at the earliest so that they can be "job givers" rather than "job takers".
  • Make women understand that empowered and educated women are less likely to fall prey to sexual abuse, workplace harassment, domestic abuse many more.
  • Imbibe the idea that child marriage, dowry killings, discrimination, female feticide, etc., and other harmful acts can be stopped by women empowerment.
  • Promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • Educate girl students on women specific health issues and measures to be taken.

Dean of Environment and Sustainablity

Major Responsibilities:
  • Smart technology enabled automation.
  • Energy and water efficiency (smart distribution system, smart meters etc) management.
  • Bus tracking using Global Positioning System (GPS).
  • Video conference facility in all departments.
  • Cash free campus through online payment gateway and digital wallets.
  • Online system for information retrieving / tracking request and approvals (paperless office).
  • Waste water management to prevent direct / indirect communicable diseases.
  • Sensor based waste management (degradable / non degradable waste).
  • Bulk SMS for common messaging / alerts.
  • Smart digital display panels for notice boards.
  • Kiosk in library for book deposit by staff / student.
  • Improve energy consumption (LED Lights or brushless DC BLDC fans).
  • Free Open Source Software (FOSS) as policy.
  • Smart security (CCTV Surveillance).
  • Mobile portability for complete website.
  • Bicycle dock.
  • Biometric attendance system for student and staff.
  • Rain water harvesting for all buildings and campus.
  • Harnessing the solar energy.
  • Green / non green garbage collection.

Dean Alumni Relations

Alumni relations plays very important role in coordinating all the functions of the institute that aim towards promotion of alumni.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Plan, organize and coordinate events that are engaged by the alumni.
  • Perform budget plan for the yearly alumni events, programs or communications and accordingly overseeing them.
  • Manage scholarship giving, scholarship administration and fellowship processes.
  • Organizing programs for current students and helping them to discover new opportunities of career and employment.
  • Giving presentation to institute to get associate and maintain relations with them for business purpose.
  • Maintain database of alumni for industrial linkage and knowledge transfer.
  • Attend major alumni events or activities wherever possible.
  • Serve as campus ambassador for quality of higher education.
  • Engage alumni in development of curriculum based on recent trends and industrial requirements.

Dean of International Relations

Major Responsibilities:
  • Establish partnerships with renowned universities worldwide.
  • Connecting universities, proposing and coordinating foreign collaborations (MoUs).
  • Send students to international universities for various opportunities like internships, project works, research, conference presentations, and competitions.
  • Organizing international conferences, seminars, distinguished lectures in association with departments.
  • Activities through joint faculty research, faculty teaching exchanges, short-term student visits, visiting scholar exchanges, and joint workshops and conferences, ensuring the institution's forward-thinking approach.
  • Develop a clear application process for students to apply for these opportunities.
  • Promoting and motivating students for international internships / summer programs – incoming as well as outgoing.
  • Organize joint conferences and workshops with partner universities.
  • Facilitate students to do their higher education in foreign countries.
  • Will be responsible for providing overall leadership to the program to promote academic excellence.
  • Responsible to encourage joint research work, collaborative research publications, joint patents, and collaborative rewriting.
  • Promoting and pursuing summer / winter courses in other countries.
  • Offer workshops, training sessions, and guidance to prepare students for their international experiences, including cultural and logistical aspects.
  • Maintain communication with students during their international experiences to ensure they are adapting well and meeting their objectives.
  • Motivating students and organizing international tours.
  • Promoting and motivating students for study abroad.
  • Gather feedback from students and host institutions to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and make improvements for future associates.

Faculty Member

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Report to HOD.
  • Recommend text books and reference books for library procurement at the beginning of the semester.
  • Prepare schedule of instruction, course description, tech-talks, concept video, open ended experiments, quiz, assignment questions, tutorial question bank, power point presentation, lecture notes / course handouts, model question paper and e-learning readiness videos, lab manuals at the beginning of the semester.
  • Prepare unit wise question bank (short, long and problem solving / critical thinning answer type questions) and/or assignments in consultation with the chief examiner / course coordinator (50 questions per unit / module).
  • Prepare multiple choice questions (MCQs) in consultation with the course coordinator with a view on the ensuing competitive examinations (50 per module).
  • Produce 95% result in the course taught.
  • Participate in the professional development programs.
  • Complete the syllabus assigned.
  • Encourage the students to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Attempt to publish text books, research papers in reputed international, national in conferences / Journals.
  • Include student centered activities (05 - 10 activities) in the schedule of instruction.
  • Should go to the class at least 5 minutes before and enter the class without delay.Engage the full time and should not leave the class early.
  • Recapture for first 5 minutes about the topicstaught in the last lecture, and tell them outcomes of the topics to be learnt in another 2 minutes, then engage the class for full time and in the last 3 minutes conclude the topic and give the details about the next class.
  • Make use of power point presentation, models etc., as teaching aids and should not dictate notes in the class room.
  • Carry student attendance registers to class and take attendance soon after entering the class, do not allow the students to leave the before / after the lecture.
  • Record the roll numbers of the students absent for the class in the activity diary along with topics covered within the15 minutes after the class (first hour).
  • Maintain and update the student attendance registers regularly, absentees duly marked in RED INK and avoid overwriting/corrections.
  • Submit the registers to the class in-charge on the last working day of every month.
  • Late comers though permitted/allowed inside the classroom should not be given attendance.
  • should not be made to stand at the entry / rearof the classroom. However, repeaters or habitual late comers may be corrected through counselling.
  • Attendance should be marked for the physical presence of the student irrespective of academic/non-academic lapses and abstaining on different spells.
  • Classes should be taken as per the timetable and adjustment of class work should be conveyed to the class in-charge and Head of the department.
  • Prior preparation for the classes is needed.
  • Be flexible and adaptable to engage classes if any changes are made in the timetable.
  • Adjustment of class work should be made to the faculty members teaching the same section. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of the HOD.
  • Follow the schedule of instruction and complete the syllabus in time without omitting any topic.
  • Identify weak/slow learners and guide them in order to accelerate the pass percentage and devote extra attention by conducting remedial classes/study hours per the schedule prepared by the department.
  • Use at least 8-15 PPT slides per each lecture period.
  • Motivate students falling short of attendance to avoid condonation and detention.
  • Focus on the aspects of motivation to ensure creativity amongst the students is needed.
  • Dress code, punctuality, attendance and discipline of the students should be monitored on regular basis.
  • Do not carry mobile phone in the class room. Keep the mobile phones in the faculty cabin only.
  • Ensure that the students do not use mobile phones in the campus. Surprise checks should be conducted at regular intervals and if found under his/her possession will be confiscated forthwith.
  • Socialize with students in free time and counsel them to improve their performance in academics.
  • Monitor the students to ensure discipline while commuting in the buses and closely watch their movements in the campus.
  • Mentoring / counseling becomes pertinent and the department expects the faculty to orient the students with proper counselling for their all-round improvement in academics, career, self-discipline, code of conduct, moral values and professional ethics.
  • Personal involvement of the faculty should happen fore-mostly by performing the experiments in the laboratory to their convincing levels before expecting the students to conduct the experiments by themselves.
  • Laboratory course instructors should maintain continuous comprehensive evaluation/ day to day evaluation on regular basis.
  • Correction of worksheets including day-to-day evaluation should be done soon in the lab session only.
  • Laboratory worksheet evaluation should be done in the lab itself. Faculty members should not call the students for record correction to their cabins.
  • Comply with the instructions of the examinations control office on the aspects of attending the duties of invigilation, evaluation, officiating as chief examiner or any other assigned duties from time to time.
  • As part of departmental work being assigned to him/her should be completed within stipulated time and appraise the output to the HOD about a particular file pertaining to academic/administration.
  • Maintain team spirit and share the responsibility of the department in particular and institute. They are expected to collaborate and display integrity amongst the teaching fraternity.
  • Present in a decent manner, lead the classroom in a dignified way without disparity amongst the students.
  • Devoid from indulgence in unconcerned activities; make use of the spare time purposeful, utilize resources and improve academic know how upgrade latent talents through professional skills. Become participative in life-long learning activities like NPTEL / Swayam/ MOOCs /FDPs /Seminars /Workshops etc.
  • Feel the responsibility to discharge the duties assigned by higher authorities (Principal, HOD, Deans, COE and others) with commitment.

Class In-charge

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Maintain contact details of students and their parents and update the contact numbers at regular intervals.
  • Maintain contact details of the faculty members / mentors in respect of their concerned section.
  • Changes made in the timetable should be informed to students and the concerned faculty members.
  • Monitor the class work and ensure that the classes are engaged thoroughly.
  • Ensure that the students are provided / made available course content in student learning management system and course syllabus institute web site with syllabus, course, description, tech talks, concept video, open ended experiments, assignments, tutorial question bank power point presentation, lecture notes / course handouts, model question paper / previous question papers, lab manuals and video lecturers.
  • Dress code, punctuality, attendance and discipline of the students should be monitored regularly.
  • Ensure that the students do not use mobile phones in the college. Surprise checks should be conducted at regular intervals and if found under his / her possession will be confiscated forthwith.
  • Ensure that all students secure a minimum of 75% attendance. Maintain a record of student leave letters and keep the parents informed of their absenteeism.
  • Collect the updated student attendance registers from the faculty members on the last working day of the month. Cross check the maintenance of the registers and ensure similarity between the manual attendance register and the online attendance one’s before getting endorsed by the HOD and the Principal.
  • Elect the class representatives based on the qualities of leadership, interaction, commendable much to the appreciation by one and all.
  • Ensure cleanliness in the classrooms and proper maintenance of the electrical wiring and furniture with the assistance of the maintenance in-charge.
  • Identify weak/slow learners and guide them in order to accelerate pass percentage and to avoid detention for want of securing number of credits.
  • Soon after the release of end semester examinations (SEE) results the concerned class in-charge should appraise and submit the result analysis to the HOD on the very same day or the immediate working day.
  • Heterogeneous student seating system will be in practice which would be changed every fortnight and layout will be displayed at the entrance of the classroom.
  • Record all the activities carried out by the students of the concerned section in the class In-charge diary.
  • Discharge the duties assigned by higher authorities (HOD, Principal, COE and others) with commitment.
  • Get the Outcome Based Education (OBE) course assessment form completed by all the faculty and handover the same to HOD within one week of completion of the class work.

Laboratory In-charges

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Maintain the Stock Register (both for consumable and non-consumable Registers).
  • Find out the requirements for consumables for the laboratory and procure the same, before the start of every semester.
  • Plan for the procurement of equipment for the coming semester well in advance. This can be done by visits to other colleges, by contacting teachers who are teaching or have taught similar subjects in our college or other colleges, etc.
  • The Laboratory In-charge (Lab I/C) is responsible for the safety, upkeep of all the equipment in the room as listed in the inventory for the room.
  • Should be conversant with all the lab experiments and exercises.
  • Should be conversant with the key, location, locking procedure of the room, emergency procedures in case of fire, accident etc.
  • See that the infrastructure facilities in the labs are adequate so that each batch has ample opportunity to complete practical’s satisfactorily
  • Organize the laboratory for oral and practical examinations.
  • Hold those responsible for any breakage / loss etc. and recover costs.
  • Ensure that the cleanliness of the lab and switch off all equipment after use.
  • Requisition of consumables shall be submitted to the HOD, who in turn shall verify the same and forward to the principal for necessary action.
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the HOD/Principal/ from time to time.
  • In order to prevent theft / damage, the Lab In-charge shall take the following action:
    • Lab in-charge and Lab Assistants are to report the matter in writing immediately to the HOD as soon as they come to know about the missing/damaged item in their Lab. They also have the responsibility to find out/enquire about to missing / damaged item / article and suggest further action in order to compensate the loss as well as prevent recurrence of the same.
    • Lab Assistants in turn shall note down the missing items in the respective Lab Register.
    • If the students are responsible for the loss / missing item, then an amount equal to the cost of the item as fine shall be lieved from the concerned students. Students shall not be allowed to purchase and bring the item on their own, as compensation for the loss/missing item.


Administrative Officer

Major Responsibilities:
  • Takes care of student scholarships/fee reimbursement (fresh/renewals) of students belonging to SC / ST / BC / EBC / minority / disabled categories scholarships.
  • Maintains the Faculty Member leave records like casual leave, vacation, on duty & permission.
  • Acts as a Coordinator for all the activities relating to the maintenance of the institute.
  • Takes care of HR policies of the institution side and outside the institute.
  • Conducts interview as per HODs requirement with institute / university constituted selection committee support.
  • Takes care of all admission approval procedure and communicating with university/technical/higher/govt. in person.


Major Responsibilities:
  • Maintains Teaching and Non-Teaching attendance.
  • Maintains personal files, service books, Leave records, vacation/detention records of teaching staff, non teaching& administration staff.
  • Staff requirement / selection / appointment, University SCM etc.
  • Correspondence with University, Government, DTE, AICTE etc. regarding establishment.
  • Issue of Increment to teaching & non-teaching staff.
  • Earned Leave, Medical Leave, Visiting faculty, On duty, Office Orders (faculty & students), experience/service certificate, circulars & notice etc of staff.
  • Maintains confidential report of teaching/non teaching staff increments & its correspondence.
  • Fulfillment of Statutory Requirement EPF, ST, eTDS Etc.

Physical Education Director

Major Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for all the activities related to the Physical Education.
  • Arranges a physical fitness camp for the students and staff.
  • Responsible for procurements, maintenance of sports goods, play fields and other items related to the Physical Education.
  • Coordinates Intra College and Inter College, Inter University and Inter State competition for different sports.
  • Acts as in charge for Gate Entry of students, teaching & non-teaching members and any other contract workers inside the campus.
  • Monitors Material movement in and out of the premises.
  • In charge for monitoring the persons inside the campus; verifying the ID Cards.
  • Issues the Visitor ID and collects the required data from the visitor.

Transport Manager

Major Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for arrangement of transport for students and staff from institute to City & vice versa.
  • Responsible for periodical maintenance of all the buses and in case of any major repair should report to the Principal immediately.
  • Responsible for a periodical check of the log books maintained by the drivers.
  • Arranges for an agreement with Transport Company for additional buses if required.
  • Arranges for the transport for the students and staff for any local educational tour, visit for sports competitions.etc.
  • Responsible for time management of buses.
  • Billing and accounting for the transport companies.

Technical Staff

Major Responsibilities:
  • Takes care of consumables, maintains and assists in conduction of the laboratory.
  • Maintains the cleanliness inside the lab and executes the safety norms.
  • Maintains the stock register.

Supporting Staff

Major Responsibilities:
  • Performs the duty assigned by the estate officer.
  • Helps to maintain the ecofriendly environment of the institution.

Estate Officer

Major Responsibilities:
  • Must be available in the campus and be on duty for 6 days/week; discharges the duties under directions of the principal.
  • Supervises, executes the works in all civil, electrical, gardening and cleaning according to the norms and standards.
  • Acts as the office in-charge of the security/sanitation/public health units of the institute.
  • Inspects the buildings structures, roads, etc. under his/her charge as often as necessary and examine their condition from safety and maintenance point of view and take/suggest necessary action.
  • Prepares progress reports on on-going work and report the same to the authorities of the institute on a monthly basis.
  • Ensures the successful achievement of the targets fixed for completion of each project/works with due consideration for speed and economy of scale and/or proper maintenance of building structures, water supply channels and regular maintenance of all the electric generators and ensuring proper use of the same.
  • Executes any other works assigned from time to time.

Hostel Warden

Major Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for allotment of rooms to the students.
  • Responsible for maintenance for Hostel.
  • Looks after the quality of food served in the hostel.
  • Keeps strict discipline in incoming and outgoing of students from the hostel.
  • Reports to the Principal in case of any indiscipline or misbehavior by the students.
  • Looks into the grievances/complaints of the students if found genuine.
  • Arranges for First-Aid in case of any emergency and arrange for hospitalization of student/staff.
  • Monitor the students during study hours.

Accounts Manager

Major Responsibilities:
  • Keeps account of financial transactions such as admission fees, semester fees, hostel fees etc.
  • Keeps account of all the financial transactions related to repair, maintenance, purchase etc.
  • Disburses salaries for the employees of the institute.
  • Prepares the annual account, get if audited.
  • Deals with banks and other financial institutions regarding loans etc.
  • Will be responsible for filling of annual returns.

Finance Officer

Major Responsibilities:
  • Maintenance of Accounts of Institution.
  • Financial Transactions.
  • Banking.
  • Petty Cash Advance & Settlement.
  • Internal & Statutory Audit, Compliances, Finalization of Accounts.
  • Collection of Fees

Accounts Officer:

Major Responsibilities:

Students related account work

  • Refund of Fees
  • Scholarship / Research scholars / JRF / Stipend
  • Fees Structures
  • Budget
  • Online fee receipts monitoring and enablement
  • Prizes to meritorious students

Staff related account work:

  • Pay Bill
  • TDS, Professional Tax, Provident Fund and ESI
  • Research Project Grants
  • Medical / Accidental Group Insurance Policy
  • Submission of Proposal for fixation of Fees to TS Fee regulatory committee
  • Works Related to Examination Finance

Student Services:

Major Responsibilities:
  • Preparation of transfer certificates.
  • Preparation of bonafide, conduct certificate and course completion certificate.
  • Preparation of educational loan proformas.

System Manager

Major Responsibilities:
  • Manages all the activities relating to the computer systems and networking.
  • Looks after the repair and maintenance of Computer system and its networking.
  • Prepares a schedule for providing computer service to all concerned.
  • Arrange for availability of Internet connection wherever required.
  • Arranges computer training /refresher courses for the staff to update their knowledge.
  • Microsoft campus agreement renewal every year.
  • Maintenance of servers and domain on cloud (AWS / CtrlS).
  • Plan, coordinate, and implement computer security measures in order to protect data, software, and hardware.
  • Creation and issue of domain emails and server access to students and faculty.

Computer & System Maintenance

Major Responsibilities:
  • Preparation of computer labs by formatting each computer, installation of desired software & IP address assigning.
  • Handles online examination management system (EMS) work during each semester.
  • Design, configure, and test computer hardware, networking software and operating system software.
  • Recommend changes to improve systems and network configurations, and determine hardware or software requirements related to such changes.
  • Keeping the records of all computers and printers in the institute.
  • Lease line and dedicated line for internet maintenance & support.
  • Wi-Fi support in institute & weekly rounds including to configure access points, log reports inspection and to analyze & troubleshoot Wi-Fi network.
  • LCD, UPS and CCTV management and technical support provided for repairing & maintenance of total LCDs in the institute.
  • To provide support, purchase, maintenance of all computer labs regarding UPS system and batteries and ask it to electrical maintenance department.
  • Maintenance & support of CCTV cameras and keep the backup of video recorded.
  • Maintain and administer computer networks and related computing environments, including computer hardware, systems software, applications software, and all configurations.
  • Telephone & Intercom system support with Plan, coordinates, and implements telephone security measures in order to protect data, software, and hardware.
  • Cabling, instrument maintenance, intercom system configuration etc.
  • Printer repairing & maintenance viz. analyze printer, purchasing of new printers, repairing and refilling of cartridges of existing laser jet printers.

Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Operator:

Major Responsibilities:
  • Monitor and report any breaches in security
  • Monitor the usage of mobile phones by faculty or students in class rooms/laboratory/corridors.
  • Expansion of CCTV networks
  • Check for playback on request of students and faculty
  • Report the not working cameras to the engineer/technician to fix it.
  • Watch close circuit TV in a control room.
  • Record and store video or digital recordings safely, for use in evidence.

Electrical Maintenance

Major Responsibilities:
  • To provide uninterrupted electrical power supply.
  • Installation, testing, commissioning operation and maintenance of electrical lines, cable, panels, capacitor units, equipments etc.
  • MSE-DCL electricity bill and energy meter inspection and reading report work.
  • Internal electrification work of new building.
  • Internal electrification of distribution and utilization work.
  • Operation & maintenance of 132/11 KV Power substation and transformer.
  • Maintain and record of 160 KW Solar power generated.
  • Operation & maintenance of 480 KVA Diesel Generator sets.
  • Energy saving & energy audit management work.
  • 24/7 hours duties of electrical staff.
  • Electrical safety & electrical inspection work in the campus.

Civil Maintenance

Major Responsibilities:
  • Water supply to whole campus includingbuilding and plantations.
  • Maintain the garden & landscape of the campus.
  • Repair &maintain plumbing facility.
  • Housekeeping & cleanliness in the campus.
  • Repair & maintenance structural issues in buildings & roads.
  • Maintenance of Auditorium, parking areas, sewage treatment plant and playgrounds.




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