IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
Campus Placements 2025 : MICROSOFT (7)    ||     JPMORGAN CHASE & Co. (4)    ||     AMADEUS (3)    ||     DELTAX (1)    ||     UNISTRING (1)    ||     LTI (162)    ||     TATA ADVANCED SYSTEMS (5)    ||     EPAM (2)    ||     HSBC (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (100)    ||     IBM (7)    ||     DELOITTE (16)    ||     JUSPAY (4)    ||     GMR (13)    ||     LUMEN (24)    ||     JBM (18)    ||     AT&T (1)    ||    
Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||     Bounteous X Accolite (01)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Our responsibility to the environment

We work hard to reduce our harmful impact on the physical environment. We use less and waste less where we can and we embrace environmentally-friendly solutions such as recycling and renewable energy.

Here's how we encourage our community to sustain the environment.

Environment and Sustainability

The campus is beautifully landscaped in a lush green stretch of land spread over in 17 acres (28381.87872 m2) with built-up area (include Roads) is 30% (i.e 8,514.563616 m2) and plantation area is 70% (i.e. 19,867.315104 m2). The institute being situated near the lake side with more than 50% of open land, has a natural breeze around the year and is pollution-free. 


The campus is eco-friendly and landscaped with extensive gardens, plantation with recycled water. The campus is maintained as non-smoking zone.

The area is immensely diverse with a variety of tree species performing a variety of functions.

  • There are total 15 types of trees and 27 types of plants in the Institute
  • Total 2387 tree and plants in the institute.
  • The average annual temperature in Dundigal is 27 °C.
  • Ph level of the water is 7.5
  • Total dissolved Solids are 340 as capered to agreeable levels of 500.

Most of these tree species are planted in different periods of time through various plantation program organized by the authority and have become an integral part of the institute. The trees of the institute have increased the quality of life, not only the institute fraternity but also the people around of the institute in terms of contributing to our environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conservation of water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife, controlling climate by moderating the effects of the sun, rain and wind. Leaves absorb and filter the sun’s radiant energy, keeping things cool in summer. Many spices of birds are dependent on these trees mainly for food and shelter. Nectar of flowers and plants is a favorite of birds and many insects. Leaf – covered branches keep many animals, such as birds and squirrels, out of reach of predators. (Ref. taken from Green Audit Report of the Institute).

After collecting the waste from all around the institute, waste segregation has been done into dry waste and wet waste. Dry waste includes paper, cardboard, glass tin cans etc. Wet waste on the other hand, refers to organic waste such as vegetable seeds, left-over food etc. The material was composted and evaluated as a fertilizing material. Composting of these waste resulted in the production of good quality materials that can be used as soil amendments and source of plant nutrients.

The biological reusable waste generated are processed as organic manure for the plants available in the campus and the other solid waste generated in the campus is taken to the community bin of Dundigal Municipality for recycling and disposal.

  • Wooden scraps found on campus are reused in mending damaged furniture.
  • Paper waste is sold to vendors for recycling at regular intervals.
  • NSS regularly conduct campus cleaning drives, and also help to segregate waste after institute events.
  • Students also reuse solid waste to make decorative items for institute cultural events.


The Institute guarantees that the water wastage is limited at an ideal dimension and the flawed taps and pipes are under normal check and subsequently no loss of water is watched, neither by any spillages nor by flood from overhead tanks. The institute has actualized water reaping (RWH) inside its grounds for putting away and reuse of water in all building’s blocks of the institute.

  • RWH wells were laid in various places of the institute to ensure the proper percolation of rainwater to recharge and replenish the ground water.
  • Borewell has been dig up to recharge the ground water.


Campus cleaning day is followed periodically with about 200 students participating as part of awareness creation.

Environmental Awareness Program is conducted on biodiversity conservation, vermicomposting, land degradation and drought awareness to public including local villagers in Dundigal village, Medak district by student and staff volunteers.



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