IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
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It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Complex Engineering Problem Solving

A professionally or occupationally competent person has the attributes necessary to perform the activities within the profession or occupation to the standards expected in independent employment or practice. The engineering competence (EC) profiles - complex engineering problems (CP) and complex engineering activities (CA) record the elements of competence necessary for performance that the professional is expected to be able to demonstrate in a holistic way the stage of attaining registration. Complex Engineering Problems have characteristic WK1 and some or all WK2 to WK9 as defined by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Also, there are a Range of Complex Engineering Activities (CA) involved in when solving complex engineering problems.

Engineering competence can be described using a setoff attribute corresponding largely to the program outcomes (POs), but with different emphases. For example, at the professional level, the ability to the responsibility in the real-life situation is essential. Unlike the program outcomes, engineering competence is more than a set of attributes that can be demonstrated individually.

Competence must be assessed holistically TWELVE elements of engineering competences for a global benchmarking are mentioned in table 1.

Table 1: Engineering Competence Profiles

EC Attributes Descriptors for Rubric Design
EC 1 Depth of knowledge required Ensures that all aspects of an engineering activity are soundly based on fundamental principles - by diagnosing, and taking appropriate action with data, calculations, results, proposals, processes, practices, and documented information that may be ill-founded, illogical, erroneous, unreliable or unrealistic requirements applicable to the engineering discipline
EC 2 Depth of analysis required Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking, originality in analysis to formulate suitable models.
EC 3 Design and development of solutions Support sustainable development solutions by ensuring functional requirements, minimize environmental impact and optimize resource utilization throughout the life cycle, while balancing performance and cost effectiveness.
EC 4 Range of conflicting requirements Competently addresses complex engineering problems which involve uncertainty, ambiguity, imprecise information and wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues.
EC 5 Infrequently encountered issues Conceptualises alternative engineering approaches and evaluates potential outcomes against appropriate criteria to justify an optimal solution choice.
EC 6 Protection of society Identifies, quantifies, mitigates and manages technical, health, environmental, safety, economic and other contextual risks associated to seek achievable sustainable outcomes with engineering application in the designated engineering discipline.
EC 7 Range of resources Involve the coordination of diverse resources (and for this purpose, resources include people, money, equipment, materials, information and technologies) in the timely delivery of outcomes
EC 8 Extent of stakeholder involvement Design and develop solution to complex engineering problem considering a very perspective and taking account of stakeholder views with widely varying needs.
EC 9 Extent of applicable Codes, Legal and Regulatory Meet all level, legal, regulatory, relevant standards and codes of practice, protect public health and safety in the course of all engineering activities.
EC 10 Interdependence High level problems including many component parts or sub-problems, partitions problems, processes or systems into manageable elements for the purposes of analysis, modelling or design and then re-combines to form a whole, with the integrity and performance of the overall system as the top consideration.
EC 11 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and lifelong learning Undertake CPD activities to maintain and extend competences and enhance the ability to adapt to emerging technologies and the ever-changing nature of work.
EC 12 Judgement Recognize complexity and assess alternatives in light of competing requirements and incomplete knowledge. Require judgement in decision making in the course of all complex engineering activities.

The engineering competence profiles are stated generically and are applicable to all engineering disciplines. The application of a competence profile may require application in different regularly, disciplinary, occupational or environment contexts.

Courses under Complex Engineering Problem Solving

S.No Course Code Course Name Semester Branch
1 ACSD01 Object Oriented Programming I AE | ME | CE | ECE | EEE | CSE | CSE (AI&ML) | CSE (DS) | IT
2 AEED02 Electrical Circuits I ECE | EEE
3 AMED01 Engineering Workshop I AE | ME | CE
4 AMED04 Engineering Mechanics I AE | ME | CE
5 ACSD06 Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory II AE | ME | CE | ECE | EEE | CSE | CSE (AI&ML) | CSE (DS) | IT
6 AEED01 Elements of Electrical and Electronics Engineering I AE | ME | CE | CSE (AI&ML) | IT
7 AMED02 Manufacturing Practice I ECE | EEE
8 ACSD08 Data Structures III AE | ME | CE | ECE | EEE | CSE | CSE (AI&ML) | CSE (CS) | CSE (DS) | IT
9 AAED01 Mechanics of Solids AE
10 AMED06 Solid Mechanics and Materials ME
11 ACED02 Engineering Surveying CE
12 AECD03 Digital System Design ECE
13 AEED05 Analysis of Electrical Networks EEE
14 ACSD09 Operating Systems CSE | CSE (DS) | CSE (CS) | IT
15 ACAD01 Logic Programming for Artificial Intelligence CSE (AI&ML)
16 AAED06 Aircraft Structures IV AE
17 AAED09 Flight Mechanics
18 AMED13 Thermal Engineering Systems ME
19 AMED14 Fluid Mechanics
20 ACED06 Theory of Structures CE
21 ACED07 Construction Materials
22 AECD08 Liner IC Applications ECE
23 AECD09 Analog Electronics
24 AEED11 Power Generation Systems and Economic Aspects EEE
25 AEED12 Control Systems
26 ACSD13 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CSE | CSE (AI&ML) | CSE (DS) | CSE (CS) | IT
27 AITD03 Database Management Systems
28 ACSD18 DevOps Engineer AE | ME | CE | ECE | EEE | CSE | CSE (AI&ML) | CSE (CS) | CSE (DS) | IT

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