IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
Campus Placements 2025 : MICROSOFT (7)    ||     JPMORGAN CHASE & Co. (4)    ||     AMADEUS (3)    ||     DELTAX (1)    ||     UNISTRING (1)    ||     LTI (162)    ||     TATA ADVANCED SYSTEMS (5)    ||     EPAM (2)    ||     HSBC (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (100)    ||     IBM (7)    ||     DELOITTE (16)    ||     JUSPAY (4)    ||     GMR (13)    ||     LUMEN (24)    ||     JBM (18)    ||     AT&T (1)    ||    
Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||     Bounteous X Accolite (01)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC)

The Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC) is headed by Dean of Planning, Monitoring and Continuous Education and comprises of heads of all departments and department academic coordinators (DAC). AMC is responsible for planning and monitoring of overall academic operations, activities, procedures, functioning and maintaining all relevant documents and files in association with various committee/coordinators of the department. The AMC is responsible for all academic aspects to ensure the effective planning and implementation of curriculum.

Objective(s) of AMC

The objectives of the committee are

  • To provide clear guidelines to all teaching staff regarding curriculum planning and implementation
  • To develop a mechanism for academic monitoring to ensure effective implementation of academic planner
  • To ensure that all departments have done proper planning before the commencement of semester for conduction of lectures and practical’s
  • To ensure that effective teaching - learning is taking place throughout the semester
  • To ensure that effective continuous assessment and evaluation is taking place to support teaching - learning
  • To ensure that slow learners and advanced learners are taken care as per their needs
  • To ensure that students are mentored for academic as well as personality development
  • To ensure the attainment of course outcomes and eventually the program outcomes
  • To monitoring the academic performance, training and placement of the students
  • Planning and monitoring for Faculty development

Roles and Responsibilities:

Dean of Planning, Monitoring and Continuous Education
Dean of Planning, Monitoring and Continuous Education should be responsible for following activities

  • The Dean in consultation with Principal and heads of department will form an Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC) comprising of heads of all departments and department academic coordinators (DAC) generally the Deputy HOD or time table coordinator.
  • Provide guidelines to department academic coordinators and collect information from department academic coordinators and convey it to the Principal for corrective measures, if required.
  • Prepare institute Event Calendar in accordance with Academic Calendar and submit the same to Principal for approval and same is to be forwarded to all the departments at least 15 days before commencement of semester.
  • Ensure that slow learners and advanced learners are taken care as per their needs.
  • In consultation with Principal and the heads of departments, should circulate the following information for smooth conduction of academics.
    • Semester start and end dates
    • Public holidays
    • Dates for CIE Tests and Semester End examinations
    • Schedule of student feedback
    • Schedule of Industrial Visits, Guest Lectures
    • Dates for annual events (e.g. Annual day, Sports meet, METE, CONCOCT etc.)
    • QIPs (short term courses, guest lectures, FDP, STTP, conferences, seminars) if any
    • AAT work submission dates, practical / project examination dates
    • Guidelines for make-up-classes, remedial classes and make-up examinations etc.

Department Academic Coordinator (DAC)

The Department Academic Coordinator should monitor:

  • Display of Class time table, timely distribution of individual time table and tabulation of faculty work loads.
  • Students’ Attendance monitoring through CMS Portal.
  • Syllabus coverage monitoring through CMS Portal.
  • Records of sending letters / SMS to the parents regarding their wards’ performance.
  • Mentors’ records.
  • Record of make-up classes.
  • Display of monthly attendance, defaulter list, CIE test marks etc.
  • To conduct interaction with course faculty (if required) and prepare minutes of meeting.
  • Analyze and follow up various feedback like Turn-I (Early Semester) & Turn II (End of Semester and OBE) through CMS Portal, Course exit survey, student satisfaction survey report etc. related to academics.
  • Executing Academic Audit for each semester.
  • Forwarding information about not reported, late reported faculties to lecture hall / practical if any to HOD / Dean / Principal for necessary action.

Timetable Coordinator

  • Ensuring the Roll call list, batches, students’ and their parents / local guardians’ data with address, mobile number, email ids etc. is in place.
  • Collection and maintenance of Theory and Practical Attendance Record (through CMS / physical) from course faculty and to prepare defaulter students’ list fortnightly.
  • Monitoring conduction of lectures and Practical regularly and making alternative arrangements in case of faculty is on leave and see that same must be recovered by course faculty taking extra lectures if required. He will also inform the Head of Department about making substitute arrangement for lectures and practical when a faculty is on leave.
  • Displaying defaulters’ list and prepare schedule for make-up classes.
  • Preparing provisional and final detention list and displaying on notice board in consultation with DAC and HOD.
  • Monitoring the syllabus completion (Theory and Practical) fortnightly and submitting the report to HOD / Department Academic coordinator.
  • Collection of records of make-up classes.
  • Maintaining informal feedback from students (if any).
  • Conduction of course faculty meeting on regular basis and keep record of it.
  • Monitoring late reporting student.

Course Faculty

Course Faculty will be responsible for all the academic aspects for

  • Preparing and maintaining schedule of instruction, course full stack, course file, taking attendance for each lecture / practical.
  • Maintaining the daily attendance report and send information on the list of students continuously absent for more than 5 days to HOD.
  • Providing subject notes, unit-wise question bank, Definitions and Terminology, AAT topics, assignments etc to students.
  • Periodic conduction of internal examinations, make-up classes, lectures for slow learners etc.
  • Updating of personal file.
  • Contribution towards holistic development of the student.
  • Development of teaching material, planning of lessons, setting up laboratories and experiment, unscheduled teaching activities such student counselling, setting and evaluating test papers, arranging and conducting tests, conduct invigilation duties of CIE / SEE / University examinations, evaluation of answer scripts of of CIE / SEE / University examinations, implementation of project work for students, conduct and evaluate AAT.
  • Curriculum Development due to the ever expanding demand of knowledge and changing needs of the industry.
  • Student's activities as an adviser to student technical associations, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities.
  • Administration which may be departmental and or institutional as member / convener of some committee.
  • Involve in research and development activities.
  • Professional activities i.e. involvement in professional and technical societies.
  • Continuing education activities (FDP / STTP / Seminars / Workshops / Expert Lectures etc.) both as an organizer and (or) as a participant.


Objectives of Mentoring

  • To understand the students’ needs and potential
  • To personally help the students to improve upon in academics, soft skills, personal development etc.
  • To guide the students to overcome the problems in academics and personality development.
  • To enhance peer interaction.

Roles and Responsibilities of Mentors

  • To collect the list of allotted students and green book for updating the students’ records from Dean of students affairs / HOD.
  • To collect the “student’s Information” from the respective student portal.
  • To establish the contact with the parents through telephonic discussion, appraise them about the development of their ward.
  • Conduct meeting with students once in two week.
  • To act as a Counsellor, Guide and Philosopher of the student.
  • To encourage the student to have open dialogue.
  • To record the observations about the student viz. achievements, doubts, fears, grievances.
  • To evaluate the student’s ability, strengths and weaknesses.
  • To help the students to over-come their weaknesses and strengthen the abilities to excel in his/her defined objectives.
  • Update students’ information on CMS portal.
  • To report the weak cases to the Dean of student affairs and HOD, as well as those cases wherever special assistance is required, through HoD.
  • HOD / Department coordinator of First year engineering shall handover the Mentor Record to respective department HOD at the end of every academic Year.
  • To maintain utmost secrecy about the matters disclosed by the student during counseling.
  • To maintain the following records:
    • Student Information.
    • Mentoring Record of students according to academic, Psychological, financial.
    • Attendance of student about mentor meeting.


  • Dissemination of Vision, Mission statements into laboratory.
  • Maintain dead-stock register.
  • Preparation of laboratory manual and ELRV video for each experiment.
  • Display of information related to Lab time-table, Total laboratory cost, List of major equipment, Lab area, Standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  • Display of Models, Charts, Slides etc.
  • To monitor condition of an equipment, to conduct preventive and predictive maintenance, calibration, annual maintenance contract of laboratory equipment.
  • Suggest new equipment to meet the need of teaching, erection / installation and commissioning of new equipment, Procurement of consumables etc. before the implementation of revised syllabus (if any).
  • Determine size of the batch, Number of sets, Demonstration kits etc. to be arranged.
  • Preparation of day to day Continuous assessment lab sheet for each batch.
  • Conduct mock practical / or oral examination for batch.
  • Maintain laboratory utilization register, equipment utilization for specific work.
  • Maintain calibration, testing and consultancy (if any) records conducted in laboratory.
  • Periodic feedback from students about working of instruments and special need.
  • Make a laboratory budget.
  • Monitor laboratory safety and cleanliness.

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