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It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.


Dr. GVR Seshagiri Rao
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dean of Internal Audit and Policies
Division of IQAC

Phone Number: 9490074689
E-Mail id: dean-audit@iare.ac.in

Handbook - Internal Audit Process

Academic & Administrative Audit

Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) would help the Institute in improving economy, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in institute’s administration in general and financial administration in particular. It will also help in maintaining a sound record keeping system with adequate checks and balances to ensure a sound information system for decision making by the executives. Type of internal audit consist of academic audit and administrative audit.

The academic audit process emphasizes reflection and improvement rather than compliance with predetermined standards. The purpose of an academic audit is to encourage departments or programs to evaluate their “education quality processes” – the key faculty and program activities required to produce, assure, and regularly improve the quality of teaching and learning. Its emphases on faculty members and departments/programs approach educational decision-making and how they organize their work, use the resources available to them and work collegially to provide a quality education in the best interests of the discipline and student learning.

The administrative audit is a process of evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative procedure. It includes assessment of policies, strategies & functions of the various administrative units.

The internal academic and administrative audit is conducted jointly by development and internal audit office and Internal Quality Assurance Centre (IQAC) within the institute twice a semester at department / units and external academic audit by the experts nominated by the principal. The audit office prepares, maintain and submit academic audit reports in prescribed formats for each semester at regular intervals.

Vision, Mission and action plan of the departments are assessed as a very important facet of the audit system to work upon them for formulating a larger action plan. The process of Academic Auditing intends to monitor and enhance the quality of technical education through proper guidelines for both teaching faculty and students, so as to ensure qualified engineers/researchers passing out from the Institute.

Aims and Objectives

  • To examine and suggest improvement to the vision and mission of the departments.
  • To collect primary baseline data regarding academic eco-system of the respective department.
  • To interact with the faculty regarding strengths, weaknesses, challenges and achievements of the department.
  • To define effectiveness of teaching – learning process and to devise methodology to confirm maximum output from faculty members as well as students.
  • To ensure academic accountability.
  • To ensure that the colleges are following OBE in its true sense.
  • To assess the research potential and suggest areas that could be taken up for research by faculty during the next 12 months or more.
  • To understand the existing system and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the departments and administrative units and to suggest the methods for improvement and for overcoming the weaknesses.
  • To identify the bottlenecks in the existing administrative mechanisms, opportunities for academic reforms, administrative reforms and examination reforms etc.
  • To suggest the methods for continuous improvement of quality

Audit Categories

The Audit is conducted both, on Faculty Academic / Research, and administrative process to encourage faculty, programs, departments to evaluate their quality and standards based on predefined bench marks and to suggest activities required to improve the quality of the system on regular basis.

Faculty Academic Audit

The academic audit is conducted in a scientific and systematic method for reviewing the quality of academic process in the institute. It is related with the quality assurance and enhancing the quality of academic activities at institute level.

  • Faculty academics performance through Faculty Academic Audit form (FAA) and
  • Faculty Quality of instruction and content delivery through Self Evaluation Document (SED)
Faculty Academic Audit form (FAA)

The faculty academic audit on performance of academic activities is evaluated through a specially designed Faculty Academic Audit form (FAA) is conducted once in a semester. The audit is conducted by a committee constituted by the Principal of the Institution on the following aspects.

  • Teaching activity (Details of lectures, tutorials, practical and other teaching related activities)
  • Student course feedback
  • Semester end examination results
  • Full stack of course content development
  • Details of attended and conducted refresher / orientation course / research methodology / workshop / syllabus up- gradation / teaching - learning-evaluation / technology programs / faculty development programs
  • MOOCs completed with e-certification
  • Involvement in disciplinary and administrative / institute level activities (if yes) list the activities involved
Self Evaluation Document (SED)

The faculty academic audit on Quality of instruction and content delivery is evaluated through a specially designed Self Evaluation Document (SED) is conducted twice during every semester. The audit is conducted by a committee constituted by the Principal of the Institution on the following aspects.

  • Course files
  • Course outcomes
  • Schedule of instruction
  • Actual content delivery
  • Tutorial question bank
  • Teck talk / Concept video topics
  • Lecture notes
  • PPTs
  • Usage of ICT tools
  • e-Content development (four quadrant)
  • Assignments
  • Tutorial sheets
  • Quiz questions
  • Lab manuals
  • Laboratory experiments designed
  • Maintenance of proper records

The external audit is also conducted by the qualified experts. This audit is conducted every year. The observations / recommendations made by the auditors are implemented.

Faculty Research Audit

The faculty research audit concentrate on the activities of academic research and sponsored research. Academic research includes faculty publications in refereed and indexed journals (SCI / SCIE / Scopus), funded schemes sponsored research projects, publications, collaboration activities intellectual property rights (IPR) and tech transfers are verified every Quad (April / August / December) in an academic year through prescribed form named as Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS) – PhD faculty and (PASS) – Non-PhD faculty.

The external audit is also conducted by the qualified experts. This audit is conducted every year. The observations / recommendations made by the auditors are implemented.

Teaching Effectiveness, Learning and Student Success

Faculty power may be beyond question, but we are at the beginning in trying to ensure that every student feels engaged, supported, and connected throughout their career. Close faculty-student mentorship results in significant greater level of happiness and engagement later in students career.

Faculty qualities that matter include, preparation and organization, clarity, availability, helpfulness, and concern for students and rapport with students.

Administrative Audit

Administrative audit is a process of evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative procedures. It includes assessment of policies, strategies & functions of the various administrative units.

  • Self-evaluation reports of the departments (HOD diary) collected and evaluated monthly.
  • Activities reports of the various dean offices (Dean’s activity diary) collected and evaluated monthly.
  • Departmental audit through Academic and Administrative audit form (AAA) in a academic year.

The Administrative Audit Mainly Focuses on:

  • Establishment
  • Departments
  • Administrative units
  • Student services
  • IT infrastructure
  • Central library
  • Accounts and Finance

Various audit forms used are shown in the following table:

Audit form number Name of the audit form
AAF01 Faculty academic audit (FAA)
AAF02 Self Evaluation Document (SED)
AAR03 Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS) – PhD faculty
AAR04 Performance Appraisal Scoring System (PASS) – Non-PhD faculty
AAH05 HOD’s Self-evaluation reports (HOD diary)

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