IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
Campus Placements 2025 : MICROSOFT (7)    ||     JPMORGAN CHASE & Co. (4)    ||     AMADEUS (3)    ||     DELTAX (1)    ||     UNISTRING (1)    ||     LTI (162)    ||     TATA ADVANCED SYSTEMS (5)    ||     EPAM (2)    ||     HSBC (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (100)    ||     IBM (7)    ||     DELOITTE (16)    ||     JUSPAY (4)    ||     GMR (13)    ||     LUMEN (24)    ||     JBM (18)    ||     AT&T (1)    ||    
Campus Placements 2024 : MICROSOFT (2)    ||     ZSCALER (6)    ||     AMADEUS (5)    ||     TCS (16)    ||     ZEROCODEHR (4)    ||     ACCOLITE DIGITAL (6)    ||     EPAM (27)    ||     LUMEN (2)    ||     SEARS (7)    ||     VIRTUSA (5)    ||     ARCADIS IBI (4)    ||     BYTERIDGE (2)    ||     COGNIZANT (1)    ||     ACCENTURE (305)    ||     IBM (4)    ||     UST Global (35)    ||     CAPGEMINI (8)    ||     TECH MAHINDRA (6)    ||     JBM (14)    ||     GREENBOX (8)    ||     Bounteous X Accolite (01)    ||    
It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.
Techical Fest
Virtual Fest
Spandana - Cultural Fest



The IARE Tech Fest (Inter College Tech Fest)

CONSORTIUM is the National level student technical symposium, where the every student can present their innovative skills. Every year CONSORTIUM invites the participants from various Engineering colleges all over the country to the various competitions and trainings.

This is an amazing opportunity to showcase student ideas on an unique and massive platform in the form of well integrated and intriguing presentation. It strives to explore the inquisitiveness of young minds by giving their incredulous ideas a definitive direction.

The paper presentation is open for the following branches/departments of CSE, IT, ECE, EEE, Aeronautical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. D Shobha Rani
Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Phone Number: 9550080044  
E-Mail id: d.shobharani@iare.ac.in



The Annual Day

One of the most anxiously awaited occasions each year is the SPANDANA – Institute Annual Day. Great excitement and joyful activities are visible all around. This is the day where one discovers as the colors of cultural feast unfold! The prize-winners in academics, games, sports and those who are participating in the cultural programme to be presented on that day are especially elated.

Any queries please contact event Convener
Dr. D Shobha Rani
Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Phone Number: 9550080044  
E-Mail id: d.shobharani@iare.ac.in



The Innovative Models on an Engineering Concept


Our country has very high innovation potential. However, the conversion ratio from innovation to the marketable product is very low.

Engineering should be a field where you enjoy designing and making products. Therefore, IARE ensure that 15% of the contact hours - are spent on hands-on experiential learning through labs, projects, industry visits and supervised internships. The course called "METE (Modelling and Experimental Tools in Engineering)" makes the students work in teams to identify a problem, work out a solution and fabricate the product.

Students are invited to join for CONCOCT Expo - Promoting Innovations in Individuals featuring more than 25 hands-on projects, demonstrations, and shows representing student groups’ work in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. G Ramu
Professor of CSE
Mobile: +91-9703962233
Mail: g.ramucse@gmail.com



The Sports week

Sports are an important activity which is carried out to encourage the sense of healthy competition and all round development of the students. The College has good infrastructure for sports and games.

The activities include various outdoor games like Softball, Basketball, Volley Ball, Gymnastics, Hand Ball, Badminton, Cricket and Football and indoor games like Table Tennis, Chess, Chinese Checker, Carom and gymnasium room, Inter class competitions and Annual Sports Week are special features.

Students are encouraged to participate in JNT University Hyderabad, Hyderabad games.

The institute has excellent facilities for the following types of activities.

  • Indoor Games: Table- Tennis, Chess & Carrom.
  • Out Door Games: Cricket, Football, Softball, Volleyball, Basket Ball, Badminton & Kabaddi.
  • Health Club: The college gymnasium has a multigym trainer, a cycle, a jogger, Weight lifting sets & Dumbles etc.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. T Srinivasa Rao
Professor of MBA
Mobile: +91-7842446480
Mail: t.srinivasarao@iare.ac.in



Alumni Meet

IARE looks forward for a greater partnership with Alumni in the days to come.

The Alumni meet is an event for old relationships to be cherished, celebrated and refreshed and new ones to be formed. It is a time of reflecting, remembering the good old times and memories of the Alumni and looking forward with a sense of purpose and anticipation. We are pleased to organize a wonderful and memorable Young Alumni meet every year in April at IARE Auditorium. The date and time of the meet will be well publicized and beforehand preparations are made for the success of the meet.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Mr. P Ravinder
Dean - Alumni Affairs
Mobile: +91-8297111994
Mail: p.ravindra@iare.ac.in



First B.Tech Orientation Programme

An orientation programme is organized formally to welcome the newly admitted B.Tech students at the institute premises every year to assist them in starting their academic journey. The major objective of the programme is to make the parents and students aware of the academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the Institute and ensuring parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to meet and interact with Head of the departments, faculty and fellow students.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. J Suresh Goud
Head, Freshman Engineering
Mobile: +91-9966239198
Mail: hod-freshman@iare.ac.in



For the parents of B.Tech first semester students

A Parent-Teacher meeting is organized each year with an objective to bring the institute and home together for uplifting of students as well as institute by maintaining harmonious relationship between parents and teachers.

It is intended to facilitate the parental participation in an institute. The aim is to involve parents in students’ education. The key objective is to bring in the closer relation, the institute and homes, where parents and teacher may co-operate, support learning, provide ideas in the education of students. The focus is more on the parents who work away from the home and who are from culturally diverse families.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. J Suresh Goud
Head, Freshman Engineering
Mobile: +91-9966239198
Mail: hod-freshman@iare.ac.in



A College level End of the Semester Event for Students under Autonomous Status

IARE College sponsors this competition to encourage engineering students to become involved in a profession that is crucial to ensuring a sustainable future for our technology. It is a platform to showcase your innovative projects and ideas as posters where creativity of the student is encouraged on an engineering concept. This hand's on competition is best suited for students who want to invent or optimize technologies in order to solve market or societal problems. All interested students register using following URL on or before 01 April 2020.


  • Attractive cash prizes for top three projects with merit certificate.
  • Participation certificate.
  • Exposure on current trends in your field and many more.

Any queries please contact event coordinator

Dr. G Ramu
Professor of CSE
Mobile: +91-9703962233
Gmail: g.ramucse@gmail.com


National Service Scheme (NSS)

This activity develops social responsibilities in the students

The National Service Scheme (NSS) has been functioning with the motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence NSS Aims Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education. NSS undertakes various activities like tree plantation, blood donation camps, disaster management, national integration camps, immunization, adventure programs etc.

We are proud to note that until this academic year, the NSS units of our institution have conducted the Mega and highly useful “Blood Donation Camps”.

Our NSS units have been creating records in mobilizing blood donors in our students. For the last 17 (seventeen) years. We have been donating blood in excess in 800 units in association with Red Cross and ESI. Not alone, during blood donation camps every year, also in the time of need, to save precious human lives, we send voluntary blood donors (our students) to hospitals to donate blood. This service will continue forever, since service to society is our foremost mission.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. J Suresh Goud
Associate Professor of Freshman Engineering 
Mobile: +91-9966239198
Mail: j.sureshgoud@iare.ac.in



Students completing degree requirements

When a person graduates, it signifies the move from a previous form of existence to a more mature being. A graduation day is a new beginning; the start of a new chapter in ones life whether it be another college year, or the entry into the workforce. Graduations help people remember the things accomplished in the past, as well as helping people to look forward to the future. When people think of a graduation they remember friends and family made or seen (respectively) throughout that time period; they think of the honours they achieved, and the many ways that those honours will help them to pursue future opportunity.

The date for graduation day will be announced soon the result of IV B.Tech (II Semester) results are announced 

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Prof. V V S H Prasad
Professor & Head of ME
Mobile: +91- 9985821449
Mail: vvshprasad@iare.ac.in



Traditional Day

Traditional Day was celebrated every year a day before the SPANDANA – The Annual Day; it was an opportunity to represent Indian culture. The students come with different Indian outfits. The event contributes to remember our culture and celebrate the event with great enthusiasm and gusto. This is followed by Telangana Bathukamma Dance, cultural and entertainment program.

Any queries please contact event Convener
Dr. D Shobha Rani
Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Phone Number: 9550080044  
E-Mail id: d.shobharani@iare.ac.in



Time for students to break the ice

The very purpose of Horizon is to welcome newcomers in a friendly atmosphere, to encourage their creative impulses to boost their confidence. A little lilting music, new faces, smiles all along, resounding laughter- yes it is party time! Students need moments to chill out. The most important thing is to be together and make the freshers feel good about being a part of the college.

Any queries please contact event coordinator
Dr. J Suresh Goud
Head, Freshman Engineering
Mobile: +91-9966239198
Mail: hod-freshman@iare.ac.in



Sports Week

Any queries please contact Games & Sports coordinator
Dr. T Srinivasa Rao
Professor of MBA
(Dean - Student's Affairs)
Mobile: +91-7842446480
Mail: t.srinivasarao@iare.ac.in


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