IARE Best Engineering College In Hyderabad
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It is a matter of great pride that the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is ranked one among the Top 200 best Engineering colleges as per NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework), Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India since 2017.

Handbook - Electrical and Electronics Engineering


The laboratories in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are intended to give practical experience to the students. The lboratories are useful for students to implement the theory in practical aspects and helps student to apply their knowledge of theory for various courses of their course outcomes.

The department is equipped with highly developed Air Conditioned hardware and software labs, that have superior quality and sophisticated equipment and trainer kits that allows students to design, implement and think beyond horizon.

The department finds its application both in hardware and software these days. Most of the experiments are conducted using both hardware and software tools. All the laboratories are equipped with variety of software tools which are necessity of today’s industrial requirement.

The department has its own computer laboratory, possessing computers of Intel Pentium i3/i5 processors, connected over campus LAN with high speed internet connection.

Detail of various laboratories and their facilities are as follow:

Hardware Laboratories

  • Electrical Circuits Laboratory
  • Electrical Network and Simulation Laboratory
  • DC Machines Laboratory
  • AC Machines Laboratory
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory
  • Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Power Electronics Laboratory
  • Control Systems Laboratory
  • High Voltage Engineering and Solar Laboratory
  • Power Systems Laboratory
  • Power System Protection Laboratory
  • Programmable Logic Controllers and Automation Laboratory

Software Labortories

  • Electrical Design and Simulation Laboratory

    Electrical Circuits Laboratory

    The Electrical Circuits Laboratory assists the students to impart with essential knowledge of electrical and electronic circuit design and analysis and provide hands on experience to design different electrical and electronic circuits with bread boards and with different active and passive components. This Lab gives the practical learning and use of various instruments like Multimeter, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Wattmeter’s etc. Along with this, they do practical verification of various electrical theorems, Tests on Transformer, measurement of power in three phase circuits using wattmeter etc.

    Facilities: Regulated power supply (30 Nos), Cathode ray oscilloscope (20 Nos), Function Generators (15 Nos), MATLAB and LabVIEW Software 

    Experiments Equipment


    Electrical Network and Simulation Laboratory

    Network and Simulation laboratory enables students in examining characteristics of DC and AC circuits, solution of differential equation, generation of three phase and complex wave forms using MATLAB, tools of LAB View, and analysis of electrical circuits using LAB View.

    Facilities: Regulated power supply (10 Nos), Cathode ray oscilloscope (05 Nos), Function Generators (05 Nos), MATLAB and LabVIEW Software.

    Experiments Equipment


    DC Machines Laboratory

    The objective of the DC Machines Laboratory is to impart knowledge about characteristics and behavior of the DC Machines, operation of DC machines and give them experimental skill, familiarize with the constructional details of different types, working principle and their performance. It also provides the essential facilities to the students to augment their concepts about the fundamentals of rotating machines. It is well equipped lab to provide experimental and hands-on experience to the detailed study of characteristic and operational aspects of DC electrical machines.

    Facilities: DC Shunt Motor - Generator Set (04 Nos), DC Shunt Motor - Series Generator Set (02 Nos), DC Shunt Motor - Compound Generator (02 Nos), Identical DC Shunt Machines, Identical DC Series Machines, DC Shunt Motor (05 Nos)

    Experiments Equipment


    AC Machines Laboratory

    AC Machines laboratory is designed for students to perform experiments on transformers, Inductions motors and Synchronous machines. The main objective of this laboratory is to impart knowledge about characteristics and behavior of the AC Machines, operation of transformers, synchronous and asynchronous machines and give them experimental skill, familiarize with the constructional details of different types, working principle and their performance. This lab consists of machines and all are mounted in industrial type of assembly to give the students industrial feel. Well established with all kinds of motors and variable frequency drives (VFDs). The lab has moderate machines and students are using for project and research work also.

    Facilities: Single phase transformer (12 Nos), three phase transformer (06 Nos), Induction Motors (06 Nos), three phase synchronous motor (02 Nos), Alternator Sets (04 Nos) and drives (05 Nos)

    Experiments Equipment


    Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory

    The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory assists the students to impart with essential knowledge of electrical and electronic circuit design, and analysis and provides hands on experience in designing different electrical and electronic circuits with breadboards and with different active and passive components. This Lab gives the practical learning and use of various instruments like Multimeter, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, etc. Along with this, they do practical verification of Electrical Laws, practical verification of various electrical theorems, Characteristics of Diodes, and Characteristics of Transistors.

    Facilities: Regulated power supply (30 Nos), Cathode ray oscilloscope (20 Nos), Function Generators (15 Nos), Digital voltmeters(20 Nos), Digital Ammeters(20 Nos), Multimeters (4 Nos).

    Experiments Equipment


    Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Laboratory

    The aim of the Electrical Measurements Laboratory is to reinforce the students with an adequate work experience in the measurement of different quantities and also to expertise in handling the instruments involved. The basic operations of sensors and the process where it might be used, practically realized in the laboratory. It also provides facilities to train the students in the measurement of displacement, resistance, inductance, torque and angle etc., and to give exposure to AC, DC bridges and transient measurement. These sensors and signal conditioning circuits are then implemented in various projects and real time applications.

    Facilities: Transformer oil testing set up, Single Phase Energy Meter (02 Nos), DC Potentiometer, Kelvin’s Double Bridge, Schering and Anderson’s Bridge, Current Transformers (06 Nos), Strain Guage Kit, LVDT Kit, Dynamometer power factor meter, Thermostat, Resistance Temperature Detector, Thermocouple, Thermistor, Bidirectional energy meter, Encoders, Speed, Pressure and distance measurement set ups, watt meters.

    Experiments Equipment


    Power Electronics Laboratory

    The objective of the Power Electronics laboratory is to study the characteristics of switching devices and its applications in rectifiers, AC voltage controllers, inverter and choppers. It also acquaint with the application of electronic devices for conversion, control and conditioning of electric power. Further it aids the students to acquire an overview of different types of power semiconductor devices and to cognize the operation, characteristics and performance parameters of controlled rectifiers. The principle of operation, switching techniques, modulation techniques and harmonic reduction techniques in PWM inverters are studied in the lab.  It also provides experience with common components such as motors, batteries and power semiconductors. The lab facilitates faculty and students who are conducting research, industry sponsored projects in power converters in particular and electrical energy conversion in general.

    Facilities: Silicon controlled rectifier, TRAIC, DIAC, MOSFET and IGBT Characteristics study unit, Operational Amplifier Trainer, DC Chopper power unit, UJT firing circuit, Forced Commutation study unit, fully controlled converter power circuit, Cycloconverter power circuit, Parallel Inverter, Half controller converter power circuit, Series Inverter, AC voltage controller, power scopes

    Experiments Equipment


    Control Systems Laboratory

    The aim of the Control Systems laboratory is to provide sound knowledge in the basic concepts of linear control theory and design of control systems, to understand the methods of representation of systems and getting their transfer function models. It facilitates basic knowledge in obtaining the open loop and closed loop responses to understand the concept of stability of control systems. It also helps the students to study the compensation design for a system.

    Facilities: Linear System Simulator Kit (02 Nos), PLC Trainer Units, PID Controller Trainer Kit, Temperature Control System Study Kit, Servo Motor, PCs, MATLAB R2015a

    Experiments Equipment


    Power System Protection Laboratory

    This laboratory is designed to give students hands-on experience on different equipment of various protection schemes in electrical power system. This laboratory facilitates the students to understand the basic concepts and recent trends in power system protection. The students can design and work with the concepts of digital and numerical relaying. The students would be skilled enough to work with various type of relaying schemes used for different apparatus protection in the laboratory.

    Facilities: Power Generation Simulation Unit, Transmission Line Simulation Unit, Feeder Protection Simulation Unit, Microprocessor based relay, differential relay, sequence components set-up, fault analysis set-up,  Earth fault relay, Over voltage relay, Megger.

    Experiments Equipment


    High Voltage Engineering and Solar Laboratory

    High Voltage Engineering and Solar laboratory is one of the newly established laboratories of Electrical Engineering Department of maximum Rating 100kV. High Voltage laboratory can be extensively engaged in research and development works in the areas of breakdown phenomenon in insulating medias, withstand voltage in different types of air gaps, surface flashover studies on equipment and also electrical interference studies due to discharges from the equipment operating on high voltages. This lab also provides test facilities for testing high voltage equipment as per various international standards to electric utilities and industries. This lab familiarizes the principles of HV generation and measurements.

    Facilities:  Cascaded Transformer Unit, Rod Gap Apparatus, Earth Tester, Oil Test Setup, Charge Controller with Inverter, Horn gap apparatus

    Experiments Manual Equipment


    Power Systems Laboratory

    This laboratory is designed to give students hands-on experience on different equipment of electrical power system. This is an advanced laboratory to carry out modeling, simulation and analysis of power system equipments. Students can practically verify several concepts and procedures learned in power system modeling and analysis. This lab has facilities to study the protection of equipment by relays in conjunction with switchgear. This lab also helps to model and analyze the dynamics of power system for small signal and large signal disturbances and design the systems for enhancing stability. It familiarizes with the preparatory work necessary for meeting the next day’s operation and the various control actions to be implemented on the system to get an overview of system operation and control, to understand and model power-frequency dynamics and to design power-frequency controller, to understand and model reactive power-voltage interaction and different methods of control for maintaining voltage profile against varying system.

    Facilities: Power Generation Simulation Unit, Transmission Line Simulation Unit, Feeder Protection Simulation Unit, Microprocessor based relay, differential relay, sequence components set-up, fault analysis set-up,  Earth fault relay, Over voltage relay, Megger.

    Experiments Equipment


    Programmable Logic Controllers and Automation Laboratory

    To give industry exposure to undergraduate and postgraduate students, the department has a well-established Programmable Logic Controllers and Automation (PLC) laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and meeting the need of teaching as well research. Students have to design automated test subsystems and systems using a PC in laboratory instruments. They learn how to program a PC to act as a controller, to design, to build, and test various subassemblies to augment the instruments, and to acquire and process the data.

    Facilities: Fractional rating induction motors, Temperature control, Pressure control, Cascade control, Level control, Ratio control units, PLC units

    Experiments Equipment


    Project Laboratory

    This laboratory has provided a platform for students and research associates to implement research based projects under the guidance of faculty members. The facility has been utilized by B.Tech and M.Tech students extensively for their project and research work. The outcome of the project has resulted in publications in various journals and conference proceedings (both at national and international level). The centre has provided a learning platform for both students and faculty.



    Electrical Design and Simulation Laboratory

    Acquire Skills of using Computer Packages, MATLAB Coding, PSPICE, LabVIEW, VISIO and MULTISIM in Power Electronics and Control System courses.

    Facilities: MATLAB, LabVIEW, PSPICE, Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) packages 

    Experiments Manual Equipment

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